Appendix C InterClient Utility
Appendix C: InterClient
InterPBX system provides a web-based extension management tool
“InterClient”, which allows you to edit your personal extension. You can edit
options including Button Mapping, Station Speed Dialing, Answer Option,
Mailbox, Message Notification, Distribution List, and Change Password. You
can login the web-based InterClient through the browser.
Login to the Web-based InterClient
1. Open the browser and type in your Blaze/Savanna Server IP address in the
address bar.
2. After you connect to the InterPBX Administrator Website, please click the
User Login icon.
3. On the pop-up window, please key in the following information.
Extension No.: Enter your extension number.
Password: Enter your password to login the InterClient. The default is
blank if the extension is created by Auto Discovery. Please change your
password after you login to the InterClient.
Setting Items