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Содержание PowerEdgeFC430

Страница 1: ...Regulatory Model E01B Series Regulatory Type E01B002 Dell PowerEdgeFC430 Owner s Manual ...

Страница 2: ...uhowtoavoidtheproblem WARNING AWARNINGindicatesapotentialforpropertydamage personalinjury ordeath 2016 Dell Inc Allrightsreserved ThisproductisprotectedbyU S andinternationalcopyrightandintellectualpropertylaws Dellandthe Delllogoare trademarksof Dell Inc inthe United Statesand orotherjurisdictions Allother marksand namesmentionedhereinmay betrademarksof their respective companies 2016 09 Rev A02 ...

Страница 3: ...pecifications 16 RAID controller 16 Drive specifications 16 SSD specification 16 Ports and connectors specifications 16 USB ports 16 QSFP port 16 PCIe Mezzanine card 16 Video specification 16 Environmental specifications 17 Particulate and gaseouscontamination specifications 18 Standard operating temperature 19 Expanded operating temperature restrictions 19 4 Initial system setupand configuration ...

Страница 4: ...stalling the cooling shroud 53 System memory 54 General memory module installation guidelines 55 Mode specific guidelines 56 Sample memory configurations 58 Removing memory modules 59 Installing memory modules 61 PCIe mezzanine card 62 Removing the PCIe mezzanine card 63 Installing the PCIe mezzanine card 65 Internal Dual SD Module IDSDM card 66 Removing an internal SD card 67 Installing an intern...

Страница 5: ...ackplane 96 System battery 98 Replacing the NVRAM backup battery 98 System board 99 Removing the system board 99 Installing the system board 101 Restoring the Service Tag by using the Easy Restore feature 103 Entering the system Service Tag by using System Setup 103 Trusted Platform Module 104 Installing the TrustedPlatform Module 104 Initializing the TPM forBitLocker users 105 Initializing the TP...

Страница 6: ... Troubleshooting USB devices 112 Troubleshooting an internalSD card 113 Troubleshooting processors 113 Troubleshooting the system board 114 Troubleshooting the NVRAM backup battery 114 10 Getting help 116 Contacting Dell 116 Quick Resource Locator 116 ...

Страница 7: ...igurationsforFC430system The Dell PowerEdge FC430 system supports the following configurations Figure 1 Supported configurations for the Dell PowerEdge FC430 system Front panel Thefrontpanelprovidesaccesstothefeaturesavailableonthefrontoftheserver suchasthepowerbutton statusindicator managementindicator andUSBports ThediagnosticLEDsortheLCDpanelisprominentlylocatedonthefrontpanel Thehot swappable ...

Страница 8: ...ctport EnablesyoutoconnectUSBdevicestothesledorprovidesaccessto theiDRACDirectfeatures FormoreinformationaboutiDRAC seethe iDRAC Guide at Dell com idracmanuals This port is USB 2 0 compliant 3 SSD A single1 8 inch hot swappable uSATASSD is supportedinthischassis 4 QSFP connector 2 The QSFP connectors can be used for Infiniband or for Ethernet 5 Sled power on indicator power button Thepower onindic...

Страница 9: ...gement port or iDRAC Directport EnablesyoutoconnectUSBdevicestothesledorprovidesaccessto theiDRACDirectfeatures FormoreinformationaboutiDRAC seethe iDRAC Guide at Dell com idracmanuals This port is USB 2 0 compliant 3 SSD 2 Uptotwo 1 8 inchhot swappableuSATASSDsaresupportedinthis chassis 4 Sled power on indicator power button Thepower onindicatorturnsonwhenthesledisturnedon Thepower buttoncontrols...

Страница 10: ...nt in thesystem SSD activity indicator codes The Solid State Drive SSD indicators display different patterns as drive events occur in the system NOTE The sled must have an SSD or an SSD blank installed in each drive bay Figure 4 SSD indicators 1 SSD activityindicator green 2 SSD status indicator green andamber NOTE Ifthedriveisinthe AdvancedHost Controller Interface AHCI mode thestatusLED ontherig...

Страница 11: ...p to indicate that the port is connected and is being used as a part of the iDRAC subsystem NOTE The iDRAC Direct LED indicator does not turn on when the USB port is used in the USB mode Figure 5 iDRAC Direct LED indicator 1 iDRAC Direct statusindicator TheiDRACDirectLEDindicatortabledescribes iDRACDirectactivitywhenconfiguringiDRAC Directbyusingthemanagementport USB XML Import Table5 iDRACDirectL...

Страница 12: ...ted Flashinggreen onfortwo seconds and off for two seconds Indicates that the laptop connected is recognized Turns off Indicates that the laptop is unplugged LocatingServiceTagofyoursystem YoursystemisidentifiedbyauniqueExpressServiceCodeandServiceTagnumber TheExpressServiceCodeandServiceTagarefound on the front of the system by pulling out the information tag Alternatively the information may be ...

Страница 13: ... RACADM subcommands and supported RACADM interfaces see the RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for iDRAC For information about updating drivers and firmware seetheMethodstodownloadfirmware anddriverssectioninthis document Managingyoursystem For information about systemsmanagement softwareofferedbyDell seetheDellOpenManage Systems Management OverviewGuide For information about setting up using and...

Страница 14: ...tory performing configuration and monitoring tasks remotely turning on or off servers and enabling alertsforeventsonserversandcomponentsusing theDellChassisManagementController CMC see the CMC User s Guide For information about understanding thefeatures oftheDellPowerEdgeRAIDcontrollers PERC anddeployingthePERCcards seetheStorage controller documentation Forinformationaboutcheckingtheeventanderror...

Страница 15: ...of the PowerEdge FC430 system Table 8 Dimensions of the PowerEdge FC430 system System X Y Z FC430 102 7 mm 40 3 mm 480 36 mm Table 9 Chassis weight System Chassis weight FC430 3 0 kg 6 61 lb Processor specifications The PowerEdge FC430 system supports up to two Intel Xeon E5 2600 v4 processors Systembatteryspecification The PowerEdge FC430 system supports CR 2032 3 0 V lithium coin cell system bat...

Страница 16: ...tions SSD specification The PowerEdge FC430 system supports up to two 1 8 inch uSATA SSDs Portsandconnectorsspecifications USB ports The PowerEdge FC430 system supports One4 pin USB3 0compliantport USBmanagementportoriDRACDirectportwhichsupportsUSB2 0compliantport QSFP port The QSFP port is used for Infiniband or Ethernet PCIe Mezzaninecard The PowerEdge FC430 system supports one PCIe x8 mezzanine...

Страница 17: ...to95 RH with33 C 91 F maximumdewpoint Atmospheremustbe non condensing at all times Operating 10 to 80 RH with 29 C 84 2 F maximum dewpoint Table 13 Maximum vibration specifications Maximumvibration Specifications Operating 0 26 Grmsat 5 Hz to 350 Hz all operation orientations Storage 1 87 Grmsat 10 Hz to 500 Hz for 15 minutes all six sides tested Table 14 Maximum shock pulse specifications Maximum...

Страница 18: ...ration DatacenterairfiltrationasdefinedbyISOClass8perISO14644 1witha95 upper confidencelimit NOTE This conditionappliestodatacenterenvironmentsonly Air filtrationrequirementsdonotapplyto ITequipmentdesignedtobeused outsideadatacenter inenvironmentssuchasanofficeorfactoryfloor NOTE Air enteringthedatacenter musthaveMERV11orMERV13 filtration Conductive dust Airmustbefreeofconductivedust zincwhiskers...

Страница 19: ...rating temperature Dual processor system 120 W RDIMM 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB and 32 GB Up to 25ºC ambient 120 W LRDIMM 64 GB Up to 20ºC ambient 105 W RDIMM 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB and 32 GB Up to 30ºC ambient 105 W LRDIMM 64 GB Up to 25ºC ambient 90 W RDIMM 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB and 32 GB LRDIMM 64 GB Up to 30ºC ambient 85 W RDIMM 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB and 32 GB Up to 35ºC ambient 85 W LRDIMM 64 GB Up to 30ºC ambient Single ...

Страница 20: Related links Log in to iDRAC iDRAC configuration TheIntegratedDellRemoteAccessController iDRAC isdesignedtomakesystemadministratorsmoreproductiveandimprovethe overall availability of Dell systems iDRAC alerts administrators to system issues helps them perform remote system management and reducestheneedforphysicalaccesstothesystem Options to set up iDRAC IP address Youmustconfiguretheinitialnet...

Страница 21: ...stalltheoperatingsystem If the system is shipped without an operating system install the supported operating system by using one of the following resources Table 21 Resources to install the operating system Resources Location Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media Dell com operatingsystemmanuals DellLifecycleController Dell com idracmanuals Dell OpenManageDeployment Toolkit Dell com...

Страница 22: ... firmware on your system Prerequisites Ensure that you clear the web browser cache before downloading the drivers and firmware Steps 1 Go to Dell com support drivers 2 UndertheDrivers Downloadssection typetheServiceTagofyoursystemintheServiceTagorExpressServiceCodebox and then clickSubmit NOTE Ifyoudonothavethe Service Tag select Detect My Producttoallowthesystemtoautomaticallydetectyour Service T...

Страница 23: ...ystem Setup screen you can configure the BIOS settings iDRAC settings and device settings of your system NOTE Helptextfortheselectedfieldisdisplayedinthegraphicalbrowserbydefault Toviewthehelptextinthetextbrowser pressF1 You can access system setup by using two methods Standardgraphicalbrowser Thebrowserisenabledbydefault Textbrowser ThebrowserisenabledbyusingConsoleRedirection Related links Syste...

Страница 24: ...reinformationaboutthisutility seeIntegratedDellRemoteAccessControllerUser sGuideat Dell com idracmanuals DeviceSettings Enables you to configure devicesettings Related links System Setup Viewing System Setup System BIOS iDRAC Settings utility Device Settings System BIOS YoucanusetheSystemBIOSscreentoeditspecificfunctionssuchasbootorder systempassword setuppassword settheRAID mode and enable or dis...

Страница 25: ...ache size SATA Settings Specifies options to enable or disable the integrated SATA controller and ports Boot Settings Specifiesoptionstospecifythebootmode BIOSorUEFI EnablesyoutomodifyUEFIandBIOSbootsettings NetworkSettings Specifies options to change the network settings Integrated Devices Specifiesoptionstomanageintegrateddevicecontrollersandportsandspecifyrelatedfeaturesandoptions Serial Commun...

Страница 26: ...EFI SettingthisfieldtoBIOSallows compatibilitywithnon UEFIoperatingsystems ThisoptionissettoBIOSbydefault NOTE Settingthisfieldto UEFIdisablesthe BIOSBoot Settingsmenu Settingthisfieldto BIOS disables the UEFI Boot Settings menu Boot Sequence Retry EnablesordisablestheBootSequenceRetryfeature IfthisoptionissettoEnabledandthesystemfailstoboot thesystemreattemptsthebootsequenceafter30seconds Thisopt...

Страница 27: ...gsystemsmustbeUEFI compatibletobeinstalledfromtheUEFIbootmode DOSand32 bitoperatingsystems donotsupportUEFIandcanonlybeinstalledfromtheBIOSbootmode NOTE For the latest information about supported operating systems go to Dell com ossupport Related links Boot Settings Boot Settings details Viewing Boot Settings Changing the boot order Youmayhavetochangethebootorderifyou wanttobootfromaUSBkeyoranopti...

Страница 28: ... clickNetworkSettings Related links Network Settings Network Settings screen details Network Settings screen details The Network Settings screen details are explained as follows Option Description PXEDevicen n 1 to4 PXE Device n Settings n 1to4 Related links Network Settings Enablesordisablesthedevice Whenenabled aUEFIbootoptioniscreatedforthedevice Enables you to control the configuration of the ...

Страница 29: ...s Option Description ISCSI Initiator Name Specifies the name of the iSCSI initiator iqn format ISCSI Device n n 1 to4 Related links UEFI iSCSI Settings EnablesordisablestheiSCSIdevice Whendisabled aUEFIbootoptioniscreatedfortheiSCSIdevice automatically Viewing UEFI iSCSI Settings System Security YoucanusetheSystemSecurityscreentoperformspecificfunctionssuchassettingthesystempassword setuppassworda...

Страница 30: ...issettoNoChangebydefault TPM Status SpecifiestheTPMstatus TPMCommand CAUTION ClearingtheTPMresultsinthelossofallkeysintheTPM ThelossofTPMkeysmayaffect booting to the operatingsystem Clears all the contents of the TPM The TPM Clear option is set to No by default IntelTXT EnablesordisablestheIntelTrustedExecutionTechnology TXT option ToenabletheIntelTXToption virtualizationtechnologyandTPMSecuritymu...

Страница 31: ... message prompts you to reenter the system password 5 Reenterthesystempassword andclickOK 6 IntheSetupPasswordfield typeyoursetuppasswordandpressEnterorTab Amessagepromptsyoutoreenterthesetuppassword 7 Reenterthesetuppassword andclickOK 8 PressEsctoreturntotheSystemBIOSscreen PressEscagain Amessagepromptsyoutosavethechanges NOTE Password protection does not take effect until the system reboots Rel...

Страница 32: ...stemsetupoptions Ifyoudonottypethecorrectpasswordinthreeattempts thesystemdisplaysthefollowingmessage Invalid Password Number of unsuccessful password attempts x System Halted Must power down Evenafteryouturnoffandrestartthesystem theerrormessageisdisplayeduntilthecorrectpasswordistyped Thefollowingoptions areexceptions IfSystemPasswordisnotsettoEnabledandisnotlockedthroughthePasswordStatusoption ...

Страница 33: dbx System Information YoucanusetheSystemInformationscreentoviewsystempropertiessuchasServiceTag systemmodelname andtheBIOSversion Related links System Information details System BIOS Viewing System Information Viewing System Information To view the System Information screen perform the following steps 1 Turnon orrestartyoursystem 2 Press F2 immediately after you see the following message F2 Sy...

Страница 34: ...details Viewing System Information Memory Settings YoucanusetheMemorySettingsscreentoviewallthememorysettingsandenableordisablespecificmemoryfunctions suchas system memory testing and nodeinterleaving Related links Memory Settings details System BIOS Viewing Memory Settings Viewing Memory Settings To view the Memory Settings screen perform the following steps 1 Turnon orrestartyoursystem 2 Press F...

Страница 35: ...ationsor enables the operating system kernel to maximize system availability Specifies if Non Uniform Memory architecture NUMA is supported If this field is set to Enabled memory interleavingissupportedifasymmetricmemoryconfigurationisinstalled IfthefieldissettoDisabled thesystem supportsNUMA asymmetric memoryconfigurations Thisoptionissetto Disabledbydefault Snoop Mode Specifies the Snoop Mode op...

Страница 36: ...ryaccess Thisoptionissetto Enabledbydefault Youcandisablethisoptionforapplicationsthatneedhighutilizationofrandommemory access Enables or disables the hardware prefetcher This option is set to Enabled by default Enables or disables the Data Cache Unit DCU streamer prefetcher This option is set to Enabled by default DCU IP Prefetcher EnablesordisablestheDataCacheUnit DCU IPprefetcher Thisoptionisse...

Страница 37: ...sor Related links Processor Settings Viewing Processor Settings SATA Settings You can use the SATA Settings screen to view the SATA settings of SATA devices and enable RAID on your system Related links SATA Settings details System BIOS Viewing SATA Settings Viewing SATASettings To view the SATA Settings screen perform the following steps 1 Turnon orrestartyoursystem 2 Press F2 immediately after yo...

Страница 38: ...drivetypeoftheselecteddevice ForEmbeddedSATAsettingsinATAmode setthisfieldtoAutoto enableBIOSsupport SetittoOFFtoturnoffBIOSsupport For AHCI or RAID mode BIOS support is always enabled Option Description Model Specifiesthedrivemodeloftheselecteddevice DriveType SpecifiesthetypeofdriveattachedtotheSATAport Capacity Specifiesthetotalcapacityoftheharddrive Thisfieldisundefinedforremovablemedia device...

Страница 39: ...Enables or disables the I OAT option Enable only if the hardware and software support the feature Embedded Video Controller Current State of Embedded Video Controller SR IOV Global Enable OS Watchdog Timer MemoryMapped I O above 4 GB Mezzanine Slot Disablement Enables or disables the Embedded Video Controller option This option is set to Enabled by default Displaysthecurrentstateoftheembeddedvideo...

Страница 40: ...ial Communication Enables the COM port or Console Redirection options This option is set to Off by default SerialPortAddress Enablesyoutosettheportaddressforserialdevices ThisoptionissettoSerialDevice1 COM2 SerialDevice 2 COM1 bydefault NOTE YoucanuseonlySerialDevice2fortheSerialOverLAN SOL feature Touseconsole redirectionby SOL configurethesameportaddressforconsoleredirectionandtheserialdevice Ex...

Страница 41: ...eSystemProfileoptiontoamodeotherthanCustom theBIOS automatically sets the rest of the options You can only change the rest of the options if the mode is set to Custom ThisoptionissettoPerformancePerWattOptimized DAPC bydefault DAPCisDellActivePower Controller NOTE AlltheparametersonthesystemprofilesettingscreenareavailableonlywhentheSystem ProfileoptionissettoCustom CPU Power Management SetstheCPU...

Страница 42: ...led Cores forProcessor1 NOTE Iftherearetwo processorsinstalledinthesystem youseeanentryfor NumberofTurboBoost EnabledCoresforProcessor2 Controlsthenumberofturboboostenabledcoresforprocessor1 Themaximumnumberofcoresisenabledby default Monitor Mwait EnablestheMonitor Mwaitinstructionsintheprocessor ThisoptionissettoEnabledforallsystemprofiles except Custom bydefault NOTE This option can be disabled ...

Страница 43: ...led Enables or disables In System Characterization This option is set to Disabled by default The two other options are Enabled and Enabled No Reboot NOTE ThedefaultsettingforIn SystemCharacterizationissubjecttochangeinfutureBIOSreleases Whenenabled In SystemCharacterization ISC executesduringPOSTupondetectingrelevantchange s in systemconfigurationtooptimizesystempowerandperformance ISCtakesabout20...

Страница 44: ...tings enables you to configure device parameters Related links System BIOS Dell Lifecycle Controller Dell Lifecycle Controller LC provides advanced embedded systems management capabilities including system deployment configuration update maintenance and diagnosis LC is delivered as part of the iDRAC out of band solution and Dell system embedded Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI applicatio...

Страница 45: ...scription Continue Normal Boot One shot Boot Menu Launch System Setup Launch Lifecycle Controller The system attempts to boot to devices starting with the first item in the boot order If the boot attempt fails the system continues with the next item in the boot order until the boot is successful or no more boot options are found Enables you to access boot menu where you can select a one time boot ...

Страница 46: ...unched LaunchDiagnostics BIOSUpdateFileExplorer Reboot System Related links Boot Manager PXE boot You can use the Preboot Execution Environment PXE option to boot and configure the networked systems remotely NOTE Toaccessthe PXE boot option bootthe system andthen pressF12 The system scans anddisplaysthe active networked systems ...

Страница 47: ...tform Module Safetyinstructions CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct NOTE Dellrecommends...

Страница 48: strap Sled Removing a sled Prerequisites 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection Steps 1 Turnoffthesled NOTE When a sled is turned off the front panel power indicator is OFF 2 Pressthereleasebuttononthesledhandleandrotatethesledhandleawayfromthesledtodisengagethesledfromtheinterposer connectors 3 Slid...

Страница 49: ...rking inside your system Installing asled Prerequisites Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section Steps 1 Pressthereleasebuttononthesledhandletotheopenposition 2 Alignthesledwiththebayontheenclosure 3 Slidethesledintotheenclosureuntilthesledconnectorsarefirmlyengagedwiththeinterposerconnectors Thesledhandlerotatestowardtheenclosureasthesledslides intotheenclosure 4 Pre...

Страница 50: ...ted links Safety instructions Insidethesled Figure 9 Inside the sled 1 SSD cage 2 vFlash SDcardmultifunctionslot 3 SD card slot 4 IDSDM card 5 SSD backplane touchpoints 6 processor 2 7 memory modules processor 1 8 system board 9 LAN on Motherboard riser 10 processor 1 11 cooling shroud 12 memory modules processor 2 13 SSD backplane ...

Страница 51: ...ldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct CAUTION Neveroperateyoursystemwiththecoolingshroudremoved Thesystemmaygetoverheatedquickly resultingin shutdownofthe system...

Страница 52: ...ts 3 coolingshroud 4 coolingshroudguide 5 cooling shroud guide slot on chassis Next steps 1 Install thecoolingshroud 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Installing the cooling shroud After working inside your system ...

Страница 53: ...ranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct NOTE Youmustremovethecoolingshroudtoserviceothercomponentsinsidethesystem 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection Steps 1 Alignthecoolingshroudguidewiththeguideslotonthechassis 2 Pressthecoolingshroudintothesystemuntilthereleaselatchengagesw...

Страница 54: ...operating frequency can be 2400 MT s 2133 MT s or 1866 MT s depending on System profile selected for example Performance Optimized Custom or Dense ConfigurationOptimized MaximumsupportedDIMMfrequencyoftheprocessors Thesystemcontains eightmemorysocketssplitintotwo sets of foursockets one setperprocessor DIMMs insocketsA1to A4are assignedtoprocessor1andDIMMsinsocketsB1toB4areassignedtoprocessor2 The...

Страница 55: ... 2400 2133 1866 Single rank 2400 2133 1866 Dual rank LRDIMM 1 1 2v 2400 2133 1866 Quad rank Figure 12 Memory socket locations Memory channels are organized as follows Processor1 channel 0 slot A2 channel 1 slot A1 channel 2 slot A3 channel 3 slotA4 Processor2 channel 0 slot B2 channel 1 slot B1 channel 2 slot B3 channel 3 slotB4 General memory module installation guidelines NOTE Memoryconfiguratio...

Страница 56: ...thermemorypopulationrulesarefollowed forexample 4GBand8 GB memory modules can be mixed ThememorymoduleforDIMMsocketsA3 A4 B3 andB4needtobeinserted180 reverse withregardtotheDIMMsinthesockets A1 A2 B1 andB2 Mixingofmorethantwomemorymodulecapacitiesinasystemisnotsupported Populatefourmemorymodulesperprocessor oneDIMMperchannel atatimetomaximizeperformance Table 24 Heat sink processor configurations ...

Страница 57: ...1 0 odd amount of DIMMs per CPU allowed DIMMperchannel DPC Dual CPU combinations Optimized independent C1 1 C2 1 C1 2 C2 2 Populate in this order NOTE Populateroundrobinstartingwith channel CPU1 NOTE Optimized mode permits unbalancedconfigurations eg 2 1 1 1DPC combinations Memory mirroring C1 3 C2 3 odd amount of DIMMs per CPU allowed Memorymirroringoffersthestrongestmemorymodulereliabilitymodeco...

Страница 58: ...ank andquadrankDIMMsrespectively Table 28 Memory configurations singleprocessor System Capacity in DIMM Size in Number of Organization and Speed DIMM Slot Population GB GB DIMMs 4 4 1 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 8 4 2 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 A2 8 8 1 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 16 4 4 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 A2 A3 A4 16 8 1 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 A2 16 16 1 2R x8 2400 MT s A1 32 8 4 1R x8 2400 MT s A1 A2 A3 A4 32 16 2 2R x8 2400...

Страница 59: ...g memory modules Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetygui...

Страница 60: ...memorymodulefromthesystem Figure 13 Removing the memory module 1 memorymodule 2 memory modulesocket 3 memorymodulesocketejector 2 Next steps 1 Install thememorymodule NOTE If you are removing the memory module permanently install a memory module blank 2 Install thecoolingshroud 3 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working insid...

Страница 61: ...fetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 If installed remove the memory module or the memory module blank 4 Remove the coolingshroud Steps 1 Locate the appropriate memory modulesocket CAUTION Handleeachmemorymoduleonlybythecardedges ensuringnottotouchthemiddleofthememorymoduleor metallic contacts 2 Opentheejectorson...

Страница 62: ...oreofthememorymodulesmaynotbeinstalledproperly Ensurethatthememorymoduleisfirmly seated in the memory modulesocket 5 Runthesystem memorytestinsystemdiagnostics Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing the cooling shroud Installing the cooling shroud After working inside your system Removing memory modules PCIemezzaninecard Thesledsupportsonex8PCIeGen3mezzanineca...

Страница 63: ...ctionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 If connected disconnect all externalstoragedevices 4 If connected disconnect allUSBdevices 5 Remove the SSD cage 6 Keep the Phillips 2 screwdriverready Steps 1 ToremovetheSSDcagebasecover a PlacetheSSDcageupsidedown withtheUSBportstoyourright b RemovethescrewssecuringtheSSDcagebasecovertotheSSDcage c SlidetheSSDc...

Страница 64: ...r 2 3 PCIe mezzaninebridge card 4 Screw 2 5 PCIemezzaninecard 6 SSD cage Next steps 1 Installthe PCIe mezzanine card 2 Installthe SSD cage 3 If applicable reconnect the disconnected storagedevices 4 If applicable reconnect the disconnected USB devices 5 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing the ...

Страница 65: ...inginside yoursystemsection 3 If connected disconnect all externalstoragedevices 4 If connected disconnect allUSBdevices 5 Remove the SSD cage 6 Remove the PCIe mezzanine card 7 Keep the Phillips 2 screwdriverready Steps 1 To install the PCIe mezzanine card a Place the SSD cage upside down with the USB ports to your right b SlidethePCIemezzaninecardontotheSSDcage c Secure the card in place with th...

Страница 66: ...cedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing the SSD cage Removing the PCIe mezzanine card Installing the SSD cage After working inside your system InternalDualSDModule IDSDM card TheIDSDMcardprovidesoneSDcardslot onevFlashcardslot andasharedUSBinterfacefortheembeddedhypervisor Thiscard offersthefollowingfeatures ...

Страница 67: ...areshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 EnterSystemSetupandensurethattheInternalSDCardPortisenabled NOTE When an SD card failure occurs on the next reboot the system displays a message indicating the failure Steps 1 LocatetheSDcardslotontheinternaldualSDmodule IDSDM card 2 Pre...

Страница 68: ...tisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 If applicable remove the SD card NOTE To use an SD card with your system ensure that the Internal SD Card Port is enabled in System Setup Steps 1 Loc...

Страница 69: ...ldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemse...

Страница 70: ...eIDSDMcard 3 If applicable install the SD cards 4 Reconnect any disconnected USB devices 5 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Beforeworkinginsideyoursystem Removing an internal SD card Removing the SSD cage Installing the SSD cage Installing the IDSDM card Installing an internal SD card After working inside your system ...

Страница 71: ...eplace a faulty IDSDM card Followthe safety guidelines listed inthe Safety instructions section Followtheprocedurelistedinthe Before workinginside yoursystem section Remove the SDcard Disconnect any connected USBdevices Remove the SSD cage Remove the IDSDM card Keep the Phillips 2 screwdriver ready CAUTION To prevent damage to the IDSDM card you must hold the card only by its edges Steps 1 Slideth...

Страница 72: ...ion seetheIntegrated Dell Remote Access Controller User s Guide at Dell com idracmanuals YoucanuseanSDvFlashcardwithyoursystem ThecardslotisontheIDSDMcard YoucanremoveandinstalltheSDvFlashcard ReplacingtheSDvFlashcard Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirected...

Страница 73: ...yourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection NOTE To use an SD card with your system ensure ...

Страница 74: ...Mrisercard RemovingtheLOMrisercard Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct 1 Followt...

Страница 75: CAUTION Manyrepairsmayonlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician Youshouldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct NOTE Youmustremovethe LOM riser cardtoreplaceafaultyLOM ri...

Страница 76: ...rd Next steps Follow the procedure listed in the After working inside your system section Related links Safety instructions Beforeworkinginsideyoursystem After working inside your system Removing the LOM riser card Processors The CPU contains memory peripheral interfaces and other components of the system Your system supports up to two Intel Haswell EP product family processors or Broadwell EP 2S ...

Страница 77: ...proceduresshouldbeperformedonlybyDellcertified servicetechnicians NOTE To ensure proper system cooling you must install a processor blank in any empty processor socket Followthe safety guidelines listed inthe Safety instructions section Followtheprocedurelistedinthe Before workinginside yoursystem section Remove the coolingshroud Keep the Phillips 2 screwdriver ready WARNING Theheat sink will beho...

Страница 78: ...eprocedurefortheremainingfourscrews Figure 27 Removing the 140 W heat sink 1 screwhole 6 2 heat sink 3 processor socket 2 Next steps 1 Remove theprocessor 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing the cooling shroud Removing a processor After working inside your system Installingaheat sink Removin...

Страница 79: ...r blank in any empty processor socket 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 Ifyouareupgradingyoursystem fromasingleprocessorsystemtoadualprocessorsystemoraprocessorwithahigherprocessor bin downloadthelatestsystemBIOSversionfromDell com supportandfollowtheinstructionsincludedinthecompressed downloadfi...

Страница 80: ...sorshieldandrotatetheshieldupwardandoutoftheway 4 Lifttheprocessoroutofthesocketandleavethereleaseleverupsothatthesocketisreadyforthenewprocessor CAUTION If you are permanently removing a processor you must install a socket protective cap and a processor blank in the vacant socket to ensure proper system cooling The processor blank covers the vacant sockets for the DIMMs and the processor ...

Страница 81: ...ab 4 Next steps 1 If you are removing the processor permanently install the processor blank 2 Installaprocessor 3 Install the heatsink 4 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing the cooling shroud Installing a processor InstallingaprocessorblankandDIMMblank Installingaheatsink After working inside ...

Страница 82: ...ION Neverremovetheheatsinkfromaprocessorunlessyouintendtoremovetheprocessor Theheatsinkisnecessary to maintain proper thermalconditions Steps 1 Unpack the newprocessor 2 Locate the processor socket 3 Unlatchandrotatethesocket releaselevers90degreesupwardandensurethatthesocket releaseleverisfullyopen 4 Holdthetabontheprocessorshieldandrotatetheshieldupwardandoutoftheway NOTE Dellrecommendsthatyouin...

Страница 83: ...bytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct NOTE ThisisaFieldReplaceableUnit FRU RemovalandinstallationproceduresshouldbeperformedonlybyDellcertified servicetechnicians 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 Followtheprocedurelistedint...

Страница 84: ...n should not be more than 6 in lb 6 9kg cm 6 Repeattheprocedurefortheremainingtwoscrews Next steps 1 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection 2 Whilebooting pressF2toenterSystemSetupandverifythattheprocessorinformationmatchesthenewsystemconfiguration 3 Runthesystemdiagnosticstoverifythatthenewprocessoroperatescorrectly ProcessorblankandDIMMblank TheprocessorblankandDIMMblan...

Страница 85: ... DIMMblankwheninstallingfourprocessorsorserviceothercomponentsinside the system 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 Remove the coolingshroud Steps Hold the processor blank and DIMM blank by its edges and lift it away from the system Figure 31 Removing a processor blank and DIMM blank 1 processorbla...

Страница 86: ...standoffsontheprocessorblankandDIMMblankwiththeheatsinkretentionsocketsontheprocessorsocket 2 LowertheprocessorblankandDIMMblankontothesystemuntilthestandoffsontheprocessorblankandDIMMblankengagewith theheatsinkretentionsockets Next steps 1 Ensure that you install a processor blank and DIMM blank when you have removed a processor permanently 2 Install thecoolingshroud 3 Followtheprocedurelistedint...

Страница 87: ...ctedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 RemovetheSSDcarrieroutofthesled Steps Pull the rails on the side of the carrier and lift the SSD out of the carrier Figure 32 Removing an SSD in an SSD car...

Страница 88: ... faulty SSD from an SSD carrier 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 RemovetheSSDcarrieroutofthesled 3 RemovetheSSDfromtheSSDcarrier Steps InserttheSSDintotheSSDcarrier withtheconnectorendoftheSSDtowardthebackofthecarrier WhentheSSDisaligned correctly thebackoftheSSDisflush withthebackoftheSSDcarrier Figure 33 Installing an SSD into an SSD carrier 1 SSDcarrier 2 SSD N...

Страница 89: ...EDsonthecarrierareoff andthenremovetheSSD NOTE When all indicators are off the drive is ready for removal NOTE Alloperatingsystemsdonotsupporthot swappabledriveinstallation Seethedocumentationsuppliedwithyour operating system Steps 1 Pressthereleasebuttontoopenthe SSDcarrierhandle 2 SlidetheSSDcarrieroutuntilitisfreeoftheSSDslot Figure 34 Removing an SSD carrier 1 releasebutton 2 SSDinthecarrier 3...

Страница 90: ... SSD inthe SSD carrier NOTE Alloperatingsystemsdonotsupporthotswappabledriveinstallation Seethedocumentationsuppliedwithyour operating system Steps 1 Pressthereleasebuttontoopenthe SSDcarrierhandle 2 SlidetheSSDcarrierintothedrivebayandpushituntilthehandlemakescontactwiththesled 3 Rotate the carrier handle to the closed position while pushing the carrier into the slot until it locks into place The...

Страница 91: ...neortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct CAUTION To maintain proper system cooling all empty SSD slots must have a SSD blank installed Follow the safety guidelines listed in the Safety instructions section Steps Press the release latch and slide the SSD blank out of the SSD s...

Страница 92: ...ier After working inside your system Installingan SSDblank Removing the SSDcage Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafety...

Страница 93: ...erworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instructions Before working inside your system Removing an SSD carrier Installing the SSD cage After working inside your system InstallingtheSSDcage Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineorte...

Страница 94: ...tothechassisuntilthescrewholesonthechassisarealignedwiththeholesontheSSDcage 3 SlidetheSSDcageintothechassistilltheIDSDMcardconnectorengagescompletelywiththeconnectoronthesystemboard 4 SecuretheSSDcagetothechassiswiththescrews Figure 39 Installing the SSD cage 1 chassis 2 guidepinslot 4 3 SSDcage 4 screw 4 5 Next steps guide pin 4 1 InstalltheSSDbackplane 2 InstalltheSSDs 3 Followtheprocedureliste...

Страница 95: ...tisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct CAUTION Toprevent damagetotheSSDsandtheSSDbackplane youmustremovetheSSDcarriersfromthe sledbefore removing the SSDbackplane CAUTION YoumustnotethebaynumberofeachSSDandtemporarilylabelthembeforeremovalsothatyoucanreinstallthem into their originalbays 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safe...

Страница 96: Installing an SSD carrier After working inside your system InstallingtheSSDbackplane Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmayonlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician Youshouldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthes...

Страница 97: ...rmlyinthesocketonthesystemboardandtightenthetwocaptivescrewstosecure thebackplanetothe SSDcage Figure 41 Installing the SSD backplane 1 SSDbackplaneconnectoronsystemboard 2 captive screw 2 3 SSD backplane 4 screwholeontheSSDcage 2 5 Next steps SSD cage 1 Install the SSD carriers into their original bays 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection Related links Safety instruc...

Страница 98: ...uctdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam Damagedueto servicing thatis notauthorizedbyDellis not coveredbyyourwarranty Readand followthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinstructionssection 2 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheBefore workinginside yoursystemsection 3 Remove the coolingshroud Steps 1 Locatethesyste...

Страница 99: ...nstalling the cooling shroud After working inside your system Systemboard A system board also known as the motherboard is the main printed circuit board found in computers The system board allows communicationbetweenmanyofthecrucialelectroniccomponents ofthecomputer suchasthecentralprocessingunit CPU and memory and also provides connectors for other peripherals Unlike a backplane a system board co...

Страница 100: ...e Safety instructions section Followtheprocedurelistedinthe Before workinginside yoursystem section Remove the following components Processor s and heat sink s Memory modules Coolingshroud SSDcarriers SSD backplane SSD cage PCIemezzaninecard LOMrisercard Keep the Phillips 2 screwdriver along with the 4 mm and 5 mm Hex nut drivers ready CAUTION Donotliftthesystemboardbyholdingamemorymodule processo...

Страница 101: ...oard Prerequisites CAUTION Manyrepairsmayonlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician Youshouldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatcamewiththeproduct NOTE ThisisaFieldReplaceableUnit FRU Remov...

Страница 102: ...d SSD cage SSD backplane SSDcarriers NOTE Ensure that you reinstall the SSD carriers into their original bays Coolingshroud Memory modules Processor s and heat sink s 3 FollowtheprocedurelistedintheAfterworkinginsideyoursystemsection NOTE If you are not installing the sled in the enclosure install the I O connector cover 4 ImportyourneworexistingiDRACEnterpriselicense Seethe iDRAC8User sGuideatDel...

Страница 103: ...ptstheusertorestorethebackupinformation 1 Turnonthesystem IfBIOSdetectsanewsystemboard andiftheServiceTagispresentintherSPIcard BIOSdisplaystheServiceTag thestatusof the license and the UEFI Diagnostics version 2 Performoneofthefollowingsteps After the restore process is complete BIOS prompts to restore the system configuration data 3 Performoneofthefollowingsteps PressYtorestorethesystemconfigura...

Страница 104: ...s CAUTION Manyrepairsmay onlybedonebyacertifiedservicetechnician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct 1 Followthesafetyguidelineslistedinthe Safetyinst...

Страница 105: ...ivated InitializingtheTPMforTXTusers 1 Whilebootingyoursystem pressF2toenterSystemSetup 2 OntheSystemSetupMainMenuscreen clickSystemBIOS SystemSecuritySettings 3 FromtheTPMSecurityoption selectOnwithPre bootMeasurements 4 From the TPM Commandoption select Activate 5 Save the settings 6 Restart your system 7 Enter System Setupagain 8 OntheSystemSetupMainMenuscreen clickSystemBIOS SystemSecuritySett...

Страница 106: ...videextrainformationaboutthefaileddevice s Viewstatusmessagesthatinformyouiftestsarecompletedsuccessfully Viewerrormessagesthatinform youofproblemsencounteredduringtesting WhentousetheEmbeddedSystemDiagnostics Run the Embedded System Diagnostics ePSA if your system does not boot Running the Embedded System Diagnostics RuntheEmbeddedSystemDiagnostics ePSA ifyoursystemdoesnotboot Theembeddedsystemdi...

Страница 107: ...lays the results of all tests that are run SystemHealth Provides the current overview of the system performance Event Log Displaysatime stampedlogoftheresultsofalltestsrunonthesystem Thisisdisplayedifatleastoneevent description isrecorded For information about embedded system diagnostics see the Dell Enhanced Pre boot System Assessment User Guide at Dell com support home ...

Страница 108: ...ician You shouldonlyperformtroubleshooting andsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct For information on resetting the password jumper to disable a password see the Disabling a forgotten passwor...

Страница 109: ...or 2 J_IDSDM IDSDM vFlash and USB connector 3 J_SSDBP SSD backplane connector 4 CPU2 Processor socket 2 5 BAT1 System battery 6 A4 A3 A2 A1 Memory module sockets processor 1 7 J_MIDPLANE1 Sled connector to the interposer card 8 PWR_CONN Power connector 9 LOM RISER LOM riser card connector 10 CPU1 Processor socket 1 11 B4 B3 B2 B1 Memory module sockets processor 2 12 TPM TPM connector ...

Страница 110: ...ingtheoperatingsystemcommandsortheCMC 2 Removethesledfromtheenclosure 3 Relocatethejumperplugtodisablethepasswordfeature 4 Installthesledintheenclosure 5 Turnonthesled When the sled is on the power on indicator is solid green Allow the sled to finish booting Theexistingpasswordsarenotdisabled erased untilthesystembootswiththepasswordjumperremoved However beforeyou assignanewsystemand orsetuppasswo...

Страница 111: ...chnician Youshouldonlyperformtroubleshootingandsimple repairsasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct NOTE Beforeperformingthefollowingprocedure ensurethatyou haveinstalledthememorymodulesaccordingtothememory ...

Страница 112: ...tupandconfirmthatthedrivecontrollerisenabled 4 Ensure that any required device drivers are installed and are configured correctly NOTE Installing a SSD into another bay may break the mirror if the mirror state is optimal 5 RemovetheSSDandinstallitintheotherSSDslot 6 Iftheproblemisresolved reinstalltheSSDintheoriginalslot If the SSD functions properly in the original slot the SSD carrier could have...

Страница 113: ...eenclosure 3 Removethesledfromtheenclosure 4 IftheInternalSDCardRedundancyoptionintheIntegratedDevicesscreenoftheSystemSetupissettoMirrormodeandSDcard 1hasfailed a RemovetheSDcardfromSDcardslot1 b RemovetheSDcardpresentinSDcardslot2andinsertitintoSDcardslot1 c Install a newSD card in slot 2 5 IftheInternalSDCardRedundancyoptionintheIntegratedDevicesscreenoftheSystemSetupissettoMirrormodeandSDcard ...

Страница 114: ...sasauthorizedinyourproductdocumentation orasdirectedbytheonlineortelephoneserviceandsupportteam DamageduetoservicingthatisnotauthorizedbyDellisnotcoveredbyyourwarranty Readandfollowthesafetyinstructions thatareshippedwithyourproduct Thebatterymaintainsthesledconfiguration date andtimeinformationintheNVRAMwhenthesledisturnedoff Youmayneedto replacethebatteryifanincorrecttimeordateisdisplayedduringt...

Страница 115: ...stem 115 NOTE Somesoftwaremaycausethesled stimetospeeduporslowdown Ifthesledoperatesnormallyexceptforthetime maintainedbytheSystemSetup theproblem maybecausedbyasoftwareratherthanbyadefectivebattery Related links Getting help ...

Страница 116: ...emServiceTagintheEnteryourServiceTagfield b Click Submit The support page that lists the various support categories is displayed 4 For generalsupport a Select your product category b Select your product segment c Select your product The support page that lists the various support categories is displayed 5 ForcontactdetailsofDellGlobalTechnicalSupport a ClickGlobalTechnicalSupport b The Contact Tec...

Страница 117: ...Getting help 117 ...

Страница 118: ...5W E5 2683 V3 2 14 2133 120W E5 2695 V3 2 3 14 2133 120W E5 2630 V3 2 4 8 1866 85W E5 2623 V3 3 4 1866 105W E5 2603 V4 1 7 6 1866 85W E5 2650 V3 2 3 10 2133 105W E5 2670 V3 2 3 12 2133 120W E5 2695 V4 2 1 18 2400 120W E5 2630L V4 1 8 10 2133 55W E5 2660 V3 2 6 10 2133 105W E5 2630 V4 2 2 10 2133 85W E5 2650L V3 1 8 12 2133 65W E5 2620 V4 2 1 8 2133 85W E5 2683 V4 2 1 16 2400 120W E5 2640 V4 2 4 10...
