Digital fire detection control panel
C / Compositor Wagner, 8 –P.I. Can Jardí 08191 - RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Tlf.: +34 935 862 690 – Remote indicator (PIAL)
Remote action indicator of fire detection systems.
Typical cases of use:
• Places where elements of the detection system are
not visible, for example, inside false ceiling, in which
the PIAL can be visibly situated on the lower part of
the ceiling or near the wall.
• Reduced accessibility rooms or that is needed do a
big inspection range for the identification of the
element in alarm, for example in hotel rooms, where
the PIAL can be situated above the door frame of each
room, making very easy its identification.
Permanent activation of the red LED indicates alarm
It is an element easy to install, both for its electrical wiring and its fixation. Furthermore it can be adapted to the
conduit boxes and switchgear.
• Alarm status can be identified in any perpendicular direction at its installation.
• Easy connection, with polarity.
• Can be adapted to the conduit boxes and switchgear.
• The red light is produced by two LEDs, increasing reliability against failure of any of them.
• Manufactured in heat-resistant ABS. Base and lid are white, red viewer.
Figure 13.
General wiring diagram for PIAL