Digital fire detection control panel
C / Compositor Wagner, 8 –P.I. Can Jardí 08191 - RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Tlf.: +34 935 862 690 –
day for the control panel Put into test/ normal mode...........................................................................................Menu_12
Test mode is the operating mode that allows us to activate the alarm of any control panel element without
any of the configured relays activating.
In addition all the alarms will reset automatically after 15 seconds. This mode is appropriate for performing
tests and system maintenance.
TEST MODE: Within this menu we have two options: we will be able to activate test
mode generally or by alarm zone.
NORMAL MODE: Within this menu we have two options: we will be able to activate
normal mode generally or by alarm zone.
LIST ZONES: This option shows us the operating mode of the control panel and the alarm
zones. Led ON / OFF…………….............................................................................................Menu_13
This is option 6 of the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION menu. This menu allows activation or desactivation
(If it is already activated) the led of one element of the loop. This functionality is actived if the element is
inside a zone in test mode. Language menu. …………….......................................................................................Menu_14
From this menu the language of the control panel is selected. The control panel will be provided with seven
languages as standard: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Hungarian, Russian Ukrainian and Portuguese.
NOTE: The autoconfiguration function of the loop sets the default labels in the language the control panel
is in that moment.
If the language is