Digital fire detection control panel
C / Compositor Wagner, 8 –P.I. Can Jardí 08191 - RUBÍ (Barcelona) ESPAÑA.
Tlf.: +34 935 862 690 – Configure logical relays.............................................................................................Menu18
Option 2 of the CONFIGURE menu. In this menu we have the option of configuring all the parameters
referred to logical relays connected to the loop, that is to say, the type of actuation, delay, etc.
Within the CONFIGURE LOGICAL RELAYS menu we have eight submenus:
RELAY ACTUATION: The relays can be configured as Sounders, Switches and relay.
SOUNDERS: these are activated automatically if they have been so configured
and this is affected by the silence sounders button.
MANOEUVRES: these are activated automatically if they have been so
configured and are not affected by the silence sounders button
RELAY: this is activated automatically and neither the evacuation nor the silence
sounders keys affect it
SIRDR: Activated automatically depending on configurations (example, delay, etc).
Is affected by the key “Silence Sounders”. It allows the activation of the base with
light/sound A30XZSLDR / A30XZSDDR or A50ZSLDR/A50ZADDR.
DELAY: The time period within which the necessary alarms are generated in order for a
logical relay to be activated and the actuation of the same. A delay of between 0 and 9
minutes 59 seconds is possible.
DAY/ NIGHT: In this submenu we can configure the type of activation of a logical relay
(active with or without delay, inactive) for a daytime and night schedule. We will be able
to activate the day mode independently for every day of the week.
PHYSICAL SITUATION: Loop and point number where the logical relay is.
LABEL: To introduce a description of the relay for its identification in the installation.
ACTIVATION MODE: Within this menu we find two options: General Activation and
Activation by List.
: This option causes the relay to activate when an alarm
occurs in any element of the control panel.
: This option causes the relay to activate
when an alarm occurs in any control panel in the control panel network.
This option allows you to relate the trip of a relay to a list
of points that belong to any of the control panels and loops that make up the system.
The point list is made up of up to 8 lines called sub-lists. Each sub-list includes all the
correlative elements of the specified control panel and loop, from the starting point to
the ending point (and both points included). The sub-list allows defining the number of
elements in this sub-list that must be in an alarm state to be activated through the
"alarms" parameter. Selecting 1, 2 or 3, there must be this number of elements in the
sub-list to trigger the relay.The existence of a sub-list makes it possible to relate the trip