Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 24 Configuring PFC3BXL and PFC3B Mode Multiprotocol Label Switching
Any Transport over MPLS
Outgoing tag or VC—Label assigned by next hop.
Prefix or Tunnel Id—Address or tunnel to which packets with this label are going.
Bytes tag switched— Number of bytes switched out with this incoming label.
Outgoing interface—Interface through which packets with this label are sent.
Next Hop—IP address of neighbor that assigned the outgoing label.
To view the state of the currently routed VCs, enter the
show mpls l2transport vc
show mpls l2transport vc
Local intf Local circuit Dest address VC ID Status
------------- -------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------
Vl2 Eth VLAN 2 2 UP
Vl3 Eth VLAN 3 3 UP
To see detailed information about each VC, add the keyword
show mpls l2transport vc detail
Local interface: Vl2 up, line protocol up, Eth VLAN 2 up
Destination address:, VC ID: 2, VC status: up
Tunnel label: 17, next hop
Output interface: GE3/3, imposed label stack {17 18}
Create time: 01:24:44, last status change time: 00:10:55
Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
MPLS VC labels: local 20, remote 18
Group ID: local 71, remote 89
MTU: local 1500, remote 1500
Remote interface description:
Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
VC statistics:
packet totals: receive 1009, send 1019
byte totals: receive 133093, send 138089
packet drops: receive 0, send 0
Local interface: Vl3 up, line protocol up, Eth VLAN 3 up
Destination address:, VC ID: 3, VC status: up
Tunnel label: 17, next hop
Output interface: GE3/3, imposed label stack {17 19}
Create time: 01:24:38, last status change time: 00:10:55
Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
MPLS VC labels: local 21, remote 19
Group ID: local 72, remote 90
MTU: local 1500, remote 1500
Remote interface description:
Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
VC statistics:
packet totals: receive 1406, send 1414
byte totals: receive 185497, send 191917
packet drops: receive 0, send 0
Configuring PFC3BXL or PFC3B Mode Port-Based EoMPLS
When configuring PFC3BXL or PFC3B mode port-based EoMPLS, follow these guidelines and
The AToM control word is not supported.
Ethernet packets with hardware-level cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors, framing errors, and
runt packets are discarded on input.