Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 41 Configuring PFC QoS
Configuring PFC QoS
With a PFC3, you can enter the
mask src-only
keywords to base flow identification only on
source addresses, which applies the microflow policer to all traffic from each source address.
Release 12.2(17d)SXB and later releases support the
mask src-only
keywords for both IP
traffic and MAC traffic. Releases earlier than Release 12.2(17d)SXB support the
mask src-only
keywords only for IP traffic.
With a PFC3, you can enter the
mask dest-only
keywords to base flow identification only on
destination addresses, which applies the microflow policer to all traffic to each source address.
Release 12.2(17d)SXB and later releases support the
mask dest-only
keywords for both IP
traffic and MAC traffic. Releases earlier than Release 12.2(17d)SXB support the
keywords only for IP traffic.
By default and with the
mask full-flow
keywords, PFC QoS bases IP flow identification on
source IP address, destination IP address, the Layer 3 protocol, and Layer 4 port numbers.
With a PFC2, PFC QoS considers IPX traffic with same source network, destination network,
and destination node to be part of the same flow, including traffic with different source nodes
or sockets.
PFC QoS considers MAC-Layer traffic with the same protocol and the same source and
destination MAC-Layer addresses to be part of the same flow, including traffic with different
Microflow policers do not support the
parameter, the
keyword and parameter, or the
The flowmask requirements of microflow policing, NetFlow, and NetFlow data export
(NDE) might conflict.
The valid range of values for the CIR
parameter is as follows:
Minimum—32 kilobits per second, entered as 32000
Maximum with Release 12.2(18)SXE and later releases:
10 gigabits per second, entered as 10000000000
Maximum with releases earlier than Release 12.2(18)SXE:
4 gigabits per second, entered as 4000000000
parameter sets the CIR token bucket size.
parameter sets the PIR token bucket size (not supported with the
When configuring the size of a token bucket, note the following information:
The minimum token bucket size is 1 kilobyte, entered as 1000 (the
parameter must be set larger than the
The maximum token bucket size is 512 megabytes, entered as 512000000
To sustain a specific rate, set the token bucket size to be at least the rate value divided by 4000,
because tokens are removed from the bucket every 1/4000th of a second (0.25 ms).
Because the token bucket must be large enough to hold at least one frame, set the parameter
larger than the maximum size of the traffic being policed.
For TCP traffic, configure the token bucket size as a multiple of the TCP window size, with a
minimum value at least twice as large as the maximum size of the traffic being policed.