Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 28 Configuring IPv4 Multicast Layer 3 Switching
Configuring IPv4 Multicast Layer 3 Switching
This example shows how to enable local egress replication:
Router (config)#
mls ip multicast egress local
Router (config)#
Router #
Router #
show mls ip multicast capability
Current mode of replication is Ingress
Configured replication mode is Egress
Egress Local is Enabled
Slot Multicast replication capability Egress Local
2 Egress No
3 Egress Yes
4 Ingress No
5 Egress No
6 Egress No
Configuring the Layer 3 Switching Global Threshold
You can configure a global multicast rate threshold (specified in packets per second) below which all
multicast traffic is routed by the MSFC. This configuration prevents creation of switching cache entries
for low-rate Layer 3 flows.
This command does not affect flows that are already being routed. To apply the threshold to existing
routes, clear the route and let it reestablish.
To configure the Layer 3 switching threshold, perform this task:
This example shows how to configure the Layer 3 switching threshold to 10 packets per second:
mls ip multicast threshold 10
Enabling Installation of Directly Connected Subnets
In PIM sparse mode, a first-hop router that is the designated router for the interface may need to
encapsulate the source traffic in a PIM register message and unicast it to the rendezvous point. To prevent
new sources for the group from being learned in the routing table, the (*,G) flows should remain as
completely hardware-switched flows. When (subnet/mask, 224/4) entries are installed in the hardware,
the FIB allows both (*,G) flows to remain completely hardware-switched flows, and new, directly
connected sources to be learned correctly. The installation of directly connected subnets is enabled
globally by default. One (subnet/mask, 224/4) is installed per PIM-enabled interface.
To view FIB entries, enter the
show mls ip multicast connected
To enable installation of directly connected subnets, perform this task:
mls ip multicast threshold
Configures the IP MMLS threshold.
no mls ip multicast threshold
Reverts to the default IP MMLS threshold.