Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 50 Configuring NetFlow
Understanding NetFlow
NetFlow Overview
The NetFlow feature collects traffic statistics about the packets that flow through the router and stores
the statistics in the NetFlow table. The NetFlow table on the MSFC captures statistics for flows routed
in software and the NetFlow table on the PFC (and on each DFC) captures statistics for flows routed in
Several features use the NetFlow table: features such as network address translation (NAT) use NetFlow
to modify the forwarding result; other features (such as QOS microflow policing) use the statistics from
the NetFlow table to apply QOS policies. The NetFlow Data Export (NDE) feature provides the ability
to export the statistics to an external device (called a NetFlow collector).
In PFC3A mode, NetFlow collects statistics only for routed traffic. With a PFC3B or PFC3BXL, you can
configure NetFlow to collect statistics for both routed and bridged traffic. Netflow for bridged traffic
requires Release 12.2(18)SXE or later.
Collecting and exporting a large volume of statistics can significantly impact supervisor engine and
MSFC processor usage, so NetFlow provides configuration options to control the volume of statistics.
These options include the following:
NetFlow flow masks determine the granularity of the flows to be measured. Very specific flow
masks generate a large number of NetFlow table entries and a large volume of statistics to export.
Less specific flow masks aggregate the traffic statistics into fewer NetFlow table entries and
generate a lower volume of statistics.
Sampled NetFlow exports data for a subset of traffic in a flow, which can greatly reduce the volume
of statistics exported. Sampled NetFlow does not reduce the volume of statistics collected.
NetFlow aggregation merges the collected statistics prior to export. Aggregation reduces the volume
of records exported, but does not reduce the volume of statistics collected. Note that NetFlow
aggregation increases switch CPU utilization and reduces the data available at the collector.
NetFlow aggregation uses NetFlow version 8.
NetFlow defines three configurable timers to identify stale flows that can be deleted from the table.
NetFlow deletes the stale entries to free up table space for new entries.
NetFlow on the MSFC
The NetFlow table on the MSFC captures statistics for flows routed in software. NetFlow on the MSFC
supports NetFlow aggregation. For information about the NetFlow aggregation schemes, refer to the
following document:
Cisco IOS NetFlow Configuration Guide.
For information about configuring NetFlow aggregation on the MSFC, refer to the following document:
Cisco IOS NetFlow Configuration Guide.
NetFlow on the MSFC supports ToS-based router aggregation, described in this document:
Cisco IOS NetFlow Configuration Guide.
Release 12.2(18)SXF and later releases support NetFlow for multicast IP. For additional information
about NetFlow for multicast IP, refer to the NetFlow Multicast Support document, available in this
Cisco IOS NetFlow Configuration Guide