Cisco 7600 Series Router Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Appendix A Online Diagnostic Tests
Fabric Tests
Fabric Tests
The Fabric tests consists of the following tests:
TestFabricSnakeForward, page A-26
TestFabricSnakeBackward, page A-27
TestSynchedFabChannel, page A-27
TestFabricCh0Health, page A-28
TestFabricCh1Health, page A-28
The TestFabricSnakeForward test consists of two test cases: the internal snake test and the external snake
test. The internal snake test generates the test packets inside the fabric ASIC and the test data path is
limited so that it stays inside the fabric ASIC. The external snake test generates the test packet using the
supervisor engine inband port; the test data path involves the port ASIC, the rewrite engine ASIC inside
the supervisor engine, and the fabric ASIC. Whether or not the supervisor engine local channel is
synchronized to the fabric ASIC determines which test is used. If it is synchronized, the external snake
test is used; if it is not, the internal snake test is used. For both tests, only the channels that are not
synchronized to any modules are involved in the test. The Forward direction indicates that the snaking
direction is from the low-numbered channel to the high-numbered channel.
Run this test on-demand.
This test runs by default during bootup or after a reset or OIR.
12.1(13)E, 12.2(14)SX.
Corrective action
None. See the system message guide for more information.
Hardware support
Supervisor engines and WS-65xx and WS-67xx modules.
Table A-45
TestEgressSpan Test Attributes (continued)
Table A-46
TestFabricSnakeForward Test Attributes
Run on-demand. This test can result in high CPU utilization.
This test runs by default during bootup or after a reset or OIR.
12.1(13)E, 12.2(14)SX.
Corrective action
Supervisor engines crash to ROMMON; SFMs reset.
Hardware support
Supervisor Engine 720 and SFM.