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1.5 Definitions and Common Terms:
Antenna Bore Sight – line of sight passing through antenna vertex, feed phase center and satellite
Azimuth – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about vertical axis; typical range ± 200°;
positive direction clockwise looking down on pedestal
World Azimuth – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about gravity vector in local level
coordinate system
Pedestal Azimuth – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about tilted and yawed pedestal
vertical axis
Elevation – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about horizontal axis; typical range 0 to 90°;
positive direction up
World Elevation – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about horizontal axis in local level
coordinate system with horizontal axis aligned with East-West plane
Pedestal Elevation – angular orientation of antenna bore sight about tilted and yawed pedestal
horizontal axis
Polarization – angular orientation of the plane of the electric field perpendicular to the plane of
propagation in the receive RF signal; can be linear or circular
World Polarization – skew angle of the feed relative to antenna bore sight plane and the equatorial
Pedestal Polarization – skew angle of the feed relative to the tilted and yawed antenna bore sight
plane and the equatorial plane
Pitch – angular displacement of pedestal about local level horizontal axis that is fixed in the local
tangent plane
Roll – angular displacement of pedestal about local level transverse axis that is fixed in the local
tangent plane
Latitude – local latitude measured from Earth’s Equator; latitude is typically determined from the
embedded GPS
Longitude – local longitude measured from Greenwich Meridian where East longitude is positive,
West longitude is negative; longitude is typically determined from the embedded GPS