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At Level 4, the satellite terminal integrator has access to all of the features and functions necessary
to configure service and maintain the AvL AAQ antenna system.
Privilege Levels 7 and 9 are reserved for AvL Service, Production and
Engineering purposes, only. AAQ functions and configuration parameters
restricted to these levels are only needed when the system is being assembled
and or serviced in the factory or serviced by AvL personnel in the field.
7.3.3 AAQ Configuration Items
As mentioned previously, the AAQ ACU makes extensive use of user settable configuration
parameters. These many parameters are segregated into three categories; hardware, calibration,
and operation. Hardware configuration parameters are determined by the design of the antenna
system and are common to all antennas with the same AvL master part number. Calibration
parameters are unique to each antenna and are used to compensate for small variations seen from
part to part and the inevitable assembly tolerances present in any complex antenna assembly.
Those configuration parameters that do not fall into the previous two categories are generally useful
in fine tuning the electromechanical operation and behavior of the antenna system.
Hardware Parameters
Hardware parameters specify the types of motors, gear ratios, and sensors present on the antenna
system. There is one motor per positioner axis, usually three in all. There are a large number of
sensors on each system that include those used to determine antenna geographic location and base
heading, axis position feedback and satellite signal level received. These parameters also provide
critical details about how the controller establishes communication with each of these devices (IP
addresses, serial interface parameters, etc.). In summary, these parameters define the control
system for the AAQ ACU and they are set at the factory via a Master Configuration File that is
specific to the antenna’s Master Part Number. These parameters can only be accessed at the
highest privilege level and are not subject to change after the antenna system leaves AvL.
Calibration Parameters
Calibration parameters apply primarily to the sensors present on the antenna system. They typically
take the form of scale factors and offsets that translate sensor readings into values that the AAQ
ROM code can use. For example, a potentiometer voltage level reading is translated into an