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should be paid to the full range of antenna motion and any objects attached to the deck
below the antenna that might not be stowed when the antenna in its normal
operational position.
Azimuth CCW Limit (Read Only)
is the maximum counter clockwise pedestal azimuth position.
Azimuth CW Limit (Read Only)
is the maximum clockwise pedestal azimuth position.
Elevation Up Limit (Read Only)
is the maximum pedestal elevation position.
Elevation Up Stow Limit
is set to a value slightly (typically 0.5 degrees ) above the target
El stow
position (for antenna systems that stow in the up position)
. The target Elevation stow position is set
by either a mechanical switch located on the antenna’s elevation axis or, less frequently, by a sensor
(usually a Resolver) when “Stow to Position” mode is employed. This parameter is a safety limit that
is only tripped if the normal stow process fails to stop antenna elevation motion at the target stow
position for any reason. This limit is only active when the antenna is at the Azimuth Stow Position
angle, otherwise the appropriate Elevation UP Limit is in effect.
Elevation Down Stow Limit
is set to a value slightly (typically 0.5 degrees) below the target
Elevation stow position
. The target Elevation stow position is set by either a mechanical switch
located on the antenna’s elevation axis or, less frequently, by a sensor (usually a Resolver) when
“Stow to Position” mode is employed. This parameter is a safety limit that is only tripped if the
normal stow process fails to stop antenna elevation motion at the target stow position for any
reason. This limit is only active when the antenna is at the Azimuth Stow Position angle; otherwise
the appropriate Elevation Down Limit is in effect.
Elevation Down Limit
is also referred to as the “Safe Turn Limit”. This is the minimum elevation
angle for deployed antenna motion. It should be set to insure that the antenna, CFE hardware and
cables located on the moving platform (above the azimuth bearing ring) do not contact anything on
the stationary base structure / vehicle.
“User” level limits are specifically designed for the user or integrator so that custom limits can be
created without disabling safety limits built into the system.
6.2.2 Stow Position
Long name
Value Range
Show Stow Warning
“No”, “Yes” Default:
Flag indicating whether a user is prompted with a
warning before stow.
Azimuth Stow Position
-180 to 180
The position in degrees for azimuth in the stow