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Figure 5.10 – Reference Satellite Profile
A ref sat must meet the following two requirements or it will not be used.
1) Must be outside the
“SatTant Min Long Diff”, which is recommended to be set to 20
degrees. The “SatTant Min Long Diff” states that the referenced satellite must be this far
from the longitude of the current location.
2) Must have a calculated target elevation above 0.0 degrees.
The ref sat selection process will choose the closest ref sat to the target satellite. If the closest
ref sat does not meet the requirements, the second ref sat will be used. If the second ref sat
does not meet the requirements, the SatTant process will be used to correct the heading.
Any profile may be used as a ref sat profile. The ref sat mode may be enabled or disabled. If
disabled, the SatTant process will be used.
5.10.1 Using a DBS signal with the DVB Receiver or AvL Receiver as a reference satellite
If your AAQ antenna system is fitted with the DVB Receiver option or AvL Receiver option, an
improvement in acquisition reliability (over SatTant) can be obtained by using it to initially
locate one of a number of available satellites. Also see Appendix H for further DVB Receiver
operation and appendix Ag for further AvL Receiver operation.