AvL Proprietary and Confidential
Content is Subject to Change without Notice
The GPS device on the NAV RIOM cannot be read or the GPS device is not
The compass device on the NAV RIOM cannot be read or the compass
device is not functioning.
The vector compass device cannot be communicated to.
The heading device configured as the AvL Compass cannot be
communicated with.
Az Limit
The azimuth axis is in a limit condition.
El Limit
The elevation axis is in a limit condition.
Pol Limit
The polarization axis is in a limit condition.
User Manager
The internal user manager has encountered an issue.
Error Messages
The following table lists error messages and comments as shown on the AAQ GUI:
Cannot execute command while alarm is
Clear alarm and retry
GPS Coordinates are not valid.
Check GPS or manually entered coordinates
GPS or compass is in Alarm state.
Clear alarm and retry
Modem has not sent a target.
Check device and retry
All signal sources tried with no valid signal
Possible RF or signal threshold issue
Scanning will exceed Az Limits - Rotate Base
and try again
Rotate Base and try again
Heading calibration failed. No signal found
during arc scan.
Check heading source and retry
Command failed. Home must be run first.
Home command needed to initialize resolvers
Elevation inclinometer failure.
Check inclinometer or El RIOM may be incorrect
Azimuth must be on stow switch
Invalid target for this location.
Target may not be visible from present location
Invalid signal for peaking.
Possible signal threshold issue or peaking on incorrect
Heading Cal Failed
Unable to Calculate Heading
Invalid target for this location.
Target may not be visible from present location
Could not transform world coordinates.
Acquire failed waiting for modem/beacon
Possible signal threshold issue or peaking on incorrect
Elevation deploy failed.
Check cabling or interference
Elevation stow failed.
Check cabling or interference
Heading calibration Failed. No signal found
during scan for a reference satellite.
Possible compass calibration needed