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Figure 4.3.1a - Simple (Level 0) Settings Window
There are two versions of the Settings Tool. Users at level 1 or above are able to access the advanced
Settings Tool while level 0 (or not logged in users) will only be able to access a simple Settings Tool. The
simple version of the Settings Tool allows the user to change the I.P.v4 address pointing the application
to the AAQ Controller’s present address. This is the address that the controller is using for network
communication. This setting is available in both versions of the Settings Tool.
Figure 4.3.1b - Advanced (level 1) Settings Window
By default the AAQ Controller indicates the static TCP/IPv4 service address The
service address is permanent and cannot be changed. The configurable Ethernet interfaces can be
changed through the AAQ Remote application by clicking the “AAQ Network Interface Options”
button on the Settings window. The controller will accept any valid IPv4 address in the following