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Fine Peaking
Optimal pointing of the antenna at the target satellite is usually achieved by a Ped-AZ and Ped-EL
step scan technique. A series of small, equal changes in antenna pointing are made in one direction
(Ped-AZ). After each small step, the received satellite signal is measured and compared to the level
recorded at the end of the previous step. If the new signal reading is higher than the previous
reading, then an additional small step is made in the same direction and the signal is measured at
the new position. Else, the AAQ commands a backwards step and begins a step scan in the
orthogonal direction (Ped-EL). This step scan process is illustrated in Figure 7.8.2.
Figure 7.4.11 – Fine Peaking Example
At the end of each Ped-AZ / Ped-EL step scan cycle, the signal level achieved at the end of the
current cycle is compared to the signal level recorded at the end of the previous cycle. If the
difference is positive and exceeds a user defined limit, then the Fine Peaking process continues and
another step scan cycle is performed. Fine Peaking is considered complete when no further
meaningful improvement in received satellite signal level can be made.