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4.4.2 Controller Configuration
Main Window → View → Controller Configuration
Level 4
Figure 4.4.2 - Configuration
Window, Core Tab
The configuration window allows the user to change all of the available configuration items
(parameters) on the controller. There are two types of parameters, choice and non-choice. Items
with choices have only a specific set of options to choose from, items such as signal sources contain
choices (RSL/Modem/Beacon). Non-choice items allow the user to input a value, such as changing
the interval that tracking is recorded, can be any value within range. Configuration parameter details
are covered in Chapter 6.
The Core tab primarily displays “model related” items.
Configuration items changed will remain in the current working configuration only until power is
cycled on the ACU unless saved. To keep any changes made, click the ‘Save’ button to write the
configuration parameters to the controller. Configuration variables that are available will depend on
the user level.