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Heading Source
parameters set the primary and secondary sensors or methods that the AAQ will
use to determine an initial compass heading for the antenna pedestal. These parameters can be
viewed or modified in either the main AAQRemote GUI window or the Controller Config window.
The standard choices for these parameters are:
NoCompass – Instead of poling a sensor device for the Heading value, the AAQ will execute
a user settable, AZ Line Scan to acquire.
GPS – For future use
Compass – AAQ uses the heading provided by the Compass in the NAV RIOM.
Manual – AAQ uses the current value of the
Heading for Manual Compass
SatTant – For future use
VectorCompass – Optional Vector Compass is used at the Heading Source. (optional)
Heading Averaged
– Averaging is performed during the compass read part of acquisition. The
normal condition for this parameter is “Yes”
Compass Heading Offset
is the nominal difference between the Pedestal Heading and the Compass
Heading. This parameter takes into account the difference between the orientation of the Compass
device inside the NAV RIOM and the Pedestal. This value is calibrated in the factory, but must be
made available at lower user login privilege levels to enable potential NAV RIOM replacement in the
field. Do not change this value without the assistance of AvL technical staff.
Based on the
Magnetic Compass
parameter, the AAQ can make the necessary correction for
magnetic declination whenever necessary to convert a Compass reading from Magnetic North to the
required True North reference frame.