Classification: Avery Dennison – Public
Defining Field Options
U s i n g C h e c k D i g i t s
Chec k digits are typic ally us ed to ens ure that a text or bar c ode field s c ans c orrec tly. The printer
c alc ulates a c hec k digit when Option 31 is applied. A c hec k digit s c hem e determ ines how the
printer c alc ulates a c hec k digit. W hen defining a c hec k digit s c hem e, as s ign a num ber to identify
it. This num ber is later entered in
che ck dig it #
) when applying Option 31 to a field. Us e
c hec k digits with text or bar c ode fields . Chec k digit c alc ulations are perform ed on num eric data
Do not us e c hec k digits with pric e fields . Do not define a c hec k digit s c hem e for UPC, EAN, Code
39 (with the MOD43 c hec k digit), and Code 93 bar c odes , bec aus e they have predefined c hec k
digits .
{A,s electo r,action,dev ice,modulus,fld_ leng th, D/P,
"we ig hts " | }
A1. A
Chec k Digit Header.
A2. s elec tor
As s ign a num ber from
to this c hec k digit form ula.
is the
A3. ac tion
The ac tion to perform . Enter
to add the c hec k digit s c hem e.
A4. dev ic e
Form at s torage devic e.
is the default . Options :
Flas h (m us t be form atted firs t. See “
” and
” in Chapter 2 for m ore
inform ation.)
Volatile RAM
Note :
Chec k digits s tored in flas h are s aved when the printer is turned
A5. m odulus
Num ber from
. The m odulus is us ed to divide the s um of
produc ts or the s um of digits .
A6. fld_length
The m axim um num ber of c harac ters the field will c ontain.
is the default.
A7. D/P
Algorithm . The algorithm determ ines how the c hec k digit is
c alc ulated. Options :
s um of digits
s um of produc ts
A8. “weights ”
String of digits us ed for c alc ulation. A weight s tring is a group of
two or m ore num bers that is applied to a field. The num ber of
digits in this s tring s hould equal the num ber in fld_length.
Enc los e in quotation m arks . Range:
“ ”
is the default.
Exam ple
{A,1 ,A,R,10,5,P,"654 32" | }
Adds c hec k digit s c hem e num ber 1 to the printer’s m em ory. The m odulus is 10, the m axim um
num ber of c harac ters in the field is 5. The c hec k digit is c alc ulated by us ing the Sum of Produc ts
and the s tring of digits us ed in the c alc ulation is “65432.”
Содержание Monarch Tabletop Printer 2
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