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– Fold the selector lever boot -1- upward and over the selector
lever handle -3-.
– Turn the locking ring all the way in direction of -arrow-. The
markings -a and b- no longer line up.
– Remove the selector lever handle -3- together with the selec‐
tor lever boot -1- without touching the locking button -2-.
– Turn the locking ring all the way in direction of -arrow-.
• The markings -a and b- are not above one another.
• The locking button points in the drive direction.
The selector mechanism could get damaged.
♦ The locking button -2- on the selector lever handle must
stick out when installing. If the button should get pushed
in unintentionally while the handle is removed, then it must
be brought back into its installation position. Refer to
⇒ “1.8.5 Selector Lever Handle Locking Button, Servicing,
Vehicles from MY 2013”, page 41
♦ If the locking button is pushed in while the handle is being
installed, destroy the handle and the selector mechanism
pull rod -1-.
– Press the selector lever handle -3- onto the lever completely
without touching the locking button -2-.
• When doing this, handle must engage into ring groove of the
selector lever.
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
Rep. Gr.37 - Controls, Housing