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Mechatronic, Transmission Control Module - J217- , Sensor and
Pressure Regulating Valves - Part 2
1 - Transmission Input Speed Sensor - G182-
2 - Transmission Control Module - J217-
3 - Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor - G93-
4 - Drive Position Sensor - G676-
On Board Diagnostics (OBD) checks all the components
Only the complete “Mechatronic” unit can be replaced.
Refer to ⇒ Servicing - 8-Speed Automatic Transmission; Rep.
Gr. 38 ; Mechatronic; Mechatronic, Removing and Installing .
Hydraulic Impulse Memory -A- with Accumulator Solenoid -
N485- , Present Depending on the Date of Manufacture
Removing and installing. Refer to ⇒ Servicing - 8-Speed Auto‐
matic Transmission; Rep. Gr. 38 ; ATF System; Transmission
Fluid Auxiliary Hydraulic Pump, Removing and Installing .
Transmission Range Display - Y6-
♦ Installed location: The Transmission Range Display - Y6- is
integrated in the instrument cluster.
Replace the instrument cluster if one of the transmission range
displays is faulty. Refer to ⇒ Electrical Equipment; Rep. Gr. 90 ;
Instrument Cluster; Instrument Cluster - KX2- , Removing and In‐
stalling .
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
Rep. Gr.39 - Final Drive, Differential