Chapter 7 – Cylinder head and valves
Manual de Oficina AJP PR3/PR4 (2015) 7 - 9
Service limit: 0,10mm
Valve springs
Inspect the valve springs for their fatigue or
possible damage (folding).
Measure the free length of the two springs
(internal and external), if any presents a
length less than the service limit should be
Service limit: Internal
Valves and valves guides
Make sure that both valves are in perfect
condition and not show any defect, either
twist, either abnormal wear on the stem or the
hat in the contact zone with the seats in the
cylinder head. If any valve shows any wear or
abnormal defect should be replaced.
In the case of the valve guides should be
checked regarding its wear and warping, by
passing the respective valve by the valve
guide and checking if there is any prison in
the route.
O.D. of the valve stem
Service limit: IN - 5,42mm
EX - 5,40mm
If necessary, the valve may be rectified or
polished by hand using a suitable suction and
suitable grinding paste, following normal
procedures for performing these delicate
operations so as to obtain a perfect seal of
each valve in the cylinder head.