Chapter 8 – Cylinder and Piston
Service Manual AJP PR3/PR4 8 - 9
Blow with compressed air in the oil passage
hole in the base of the right crankcase to
ensure that it is unobstructed.
Install the two guide bushings (10x16) on the
timing chain side studs and put the new
cylinder gasket at the base of the crankcases.
Ensure that the oil passage hole for the
cylinder head lubrication near the back right
pin is not obstructed.
Piston rings
Must be installed carefully all rings in their
respective cavities in the piston, always
keeping their marks facing up.
Rings must be assembled on the piston in the
correct position: Oil segments (with expander)
below; compression ring (black) in the middle;
fire segment (chrome plated) on top.
When placing the rings must be careful
not to damage them or damage the piston;
Do not reverse the marks in the first two
When installing the oil segment, must be
installed first the spacer ring and only after
the two side rings.
Tips of the rings must be with 120°
discrepancy between each one
Piston assembly
Place a plastic / protection beneath the piston
to prevent the piston pin circlip to fall inside
the engine crankcases.
Lubricate the hole in the head of the
connecting rod and the pin of the piston.
Lubricate the pin and insert it into the piston