Chapter 5 – Fuel feed system
Service manual AJP PR3/PR4 5 - 2
The motor rotates but does not start:
No fuel in the tank;
The fuel does not reach the carburetor:
Fuel filter obstructed;
Fuel line obstructed;
Breathe hose fuel tank cap obstructed
or damaged;
Suction pipe obstructed;
Vacuum pipe damaged;
Fuel pump damaged.
Fuel excess (soaked engine):
Air filter obstructed;
Soaked carburetor.
Intake air leak;
Fuel contaminated:
Jets obstructed.
Malfunctioning air lever (CHOKE) or air
sealing butterfly;
Malfunctioning of the throttle;
No spark in the spark plug (faulty ignition
Lean mixture
Clogged fuel jet;
Faulty float valve;
Very low float level;
Restricted fuel line;
Carburetor breather hose clogged;
Fuel tank breather hose restricted;
Intake air leak;
Faulty throttle valve.
Rich mixture
Closed air valve / CHOKE (malfunction of
the air lever / CHOKE);
Air jet clogged;
Faulty float valve;
Very high float level;
Very dirty air filter;
Needle or needle diffuser with too much
Main jet loosened.
The engine turns off, the start is
difficult or idling is irregular:
Restricted fuel line;
Fuel mixture very poor / rich;
Fuel contaminated / damaged:
Minimum jet clogged;
Intake air leak;
Idling out of adjustment;
Breather in fuel tank cap clogged or
Dirty air filter;
Mixture screw out of adjustment;
Defective ignition system.
Poor mixture;
Defective ignition system.
Underperforming (handling) and high
fuel consumption:
Fuel system clogged;
Defective ignition system.