Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 5 Data Editors
Average Data Editor from Data Editors menu
Linear Data Editor
The Linear Data Editor
Site Name, Parameter Name, Parameter Template Name
Average Interval
Start and End Dates
Value (Hover the mouse pointer over data values to see any annotations.)
Raw Value (can’t be edited)
AQS Null Codes
Data Logger Flags
Qualifier Codes
Data Grade (used by ADVP).
To edit data values, double-click in the Value cell or right-click to bring up a pop-up menu.
Cell Color Codes
All data is color-coded based on the flag-to-color mappings listed in the Flags Editor.
The Model 8872 is loaded with some default mappings, but you can customize this for your
system. The color mappings are global to all users for consistency.
In addition, the 8872 uses two font changes to represent data in the data editor:
values represent data that does not match the raw database (edited values), or has a
flag attached to it.
values represent data that has an annotation. Hover the mouse pointer over
data values to see details of annotations.