Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
The Maximum method is commonly used on SO2 channels to find the highest 5 minute average
in an hour, or for peak wind speeds. The Difference method is often used against a “raw”
rainfall analog input to calculate the difference in the voltage to determine rainfall in an hour.
On the Misc. tab:
Input Average Interval is the data type the general channel is to be based on, such as
minute or hourly data (e.g., the “sub-interval” for the calculation.
Input Channel Number is the channel number of the configured channel that will be
the data source.
General value Duration is the average basis for the General Channel Result.
The Data Channel Type sets the calculation type; accumulative, maximum, minimum,
number of valid runs, percent complete number of runs, or difference.
Ignore Input Channel Flags are the flags to be ignored when verifying the validity of
the current data point.
Reset Input Status Pattern allows the user to set a digital status input pattern that, if
observed, a reset will be generated to the calculation so far (e.g., previous sub-intervals
will be ignored). This is not commonly used.
General channel
is used to run special calculations based on the input of another
channel that is already configured (e.g., analog input, Modbus, etc). The different calculation
types include:
Maximum (find highest sub-interval in a given interval, e.g., highest minute in hour)
Minimum (same, but finding the lowest)
Accumulate (totals sub-intervals into final average)
Number of Valid Averages (number of sub-intervals that are valid)
Percent Valid (similar, but result expressed as a percentage 0-100)
Difference (calculate difference of current average from previous average)