Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
Limit of Quantization (LOQ)
Not used in 8872.
Minimum Detectable Limit
Not used in 8872.
Practical Quantization Limit
Not used in 8872.
EPA Method
EPA sampling Method Code
EPA Units
Select EPA Units (including the EPA unit code) from the
drop-down list (e.g., 007-parts per million, 015-degrees
EPA Parameter
Select a parameter (including EPA parameter codes) from
the drop-down list (e.g., 44201 - Ozone).
Reported Digits
Total number of digits, including decimal places, that will
be reported to the EPA.
Number of decimal places for reporting precision.X’s and
Y’s to the right of the reporting precision field illustrate the
format of the digits/precision, e.g., XX.YY indicates a total
of four Reported Digits with a Reporting Precision of two.
Truncate/Round Rule
Determines whether data in reports will be rounded
or truncated
Reported Units
Units that will be used for reports e.g., PPM
Analyzer Units
If the analyzer units are different from the primary
parameter, select analyzer units from the drop-down list.
Graph Minimum
Lower y-axis limit for graph display
Graph Maximum
Upper y-axis limit to for graph display
Calibration Span
This field is determined by the instrument. Enter the
configured calibration span value for the parameter to
determine the parameter’s calibration error (at the
data logger).
Instrument Detection Limit
Not used in 8872.