Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
Digital Event Programs
The Digital Event feature allows the user to specify a digital control output event. A digital
event program can be either timed or triggered by a digital input.
For example, a digital event program could be described as: Starting at 7:30 PM on July 6,
turn digital outputs 13 and 14 on, leave them on for 75 minutes, and repeat this sequence
every third day.
For a timed digital event program, the start time and repeat interval for the digital output(s)
event are specified, much like an automatic calibration. Other definitions include:
Output Control Line(s)
The list of the relay outputs that should be activated at the start time.
Output Duration
The length of time that the Output Control Line(s) will be activated. After the Output
Duration, the lines will return to their inactive state. 5s to 999 s, m, h, or d (for seconds,
minutes, hours, or days, respectively).
Disable During Calibration(s)
The list of calibration program names during which the digital program will update its
Starting Time but will not activate output lines. This option allows calibrations to
override normally programmed sequence.
Serial Port, Output String (Triggered GSI)
When the sequence is triggered, the designated string will be sent out the serial port
For Digitally Triggered digital event programs, a digital input pattern is specified that will
initiate the digital output(s) event (much like an Instrument Initiated Calibration). The output
lines will remain on in their active state for the specified duration. At the end of this time,
the output lines will be deactivated unless the triggering digital input pattern is still true.
2.6 Configuring Digital Events