Agilaire 8872 Manual
Chapter 2 Configuration
SQL Execution Task: This task is most commonly used to schedule backups to local disk
or USB drives.
To add a SQL Execution Task, click the green Add button on the ribbon and select
SQL Execution Task.
Select the Executive, Start Time, and Repeat Interval.
Name the SQL task or use the default name.
Enter the SQL Command Text.
Click the Save button.
New Task Group
Task Groups allow multiple tasks to be grouped together in one polling process instead of
multiple individual tasks. A Task Group consists of Sub Tasks. Tasks can be defined to run
groups in parallel, sequentially, or as sub tasks of other task groups to allow mixing of
parallel and sequential operations.
To create a Task Group, click the green Add button on the Ribbon in the
Task Scheduler and select New Task Group.
In the Task Schedule Details section of the Task Scheduler, select an Executive,
Start Time, and Repeat Interval.
In the Task Details section of the screen, enter a Task Name. The Task
Description will be filled in automatically, but it can be modified.
Check Enabled if you want the Task Group to be activated when you save it.
In the Group Options section, check the box if you want to Execute the Tasks
in Parallel; otherwise, they will be executed sequentially or as sub tasks of other
task groups.
If the sub tasks are to be run sequentially, leave the Execute the Tasks in Parallel
box unselected and enter a number in the Execution Order column in the Sub Tasks
To create the Task Group, add a Sub Task to the Task Group. Click the green Add
Sub Task button in the Task Details section and select a task from the drop-down
list. (The Sub Task drop-down list has the same options as the Add task button at
the top of the Task Scheduler.)
When you select a Sub Task from the list, a new screen will pop up for the
Sub Task you selected. Fields in the pop-up screen vary according to which sub
task is selected.
Advanced Options in the pop up screens (not required) allow configuration of
Number of Retries and the Interval between Retries.