In any written or telephonic communication, please
state the specific nature of and any circumstances
leading to the problem. A service technician will
contact you with specific instructions to ensure that
you receive the best service for your motorcycle.
Zero Motorcycles
170 Technology Circle
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
(U.S. and International Patents and Trademarks
Transfer Of Ownership And Warranty
When it comes time to sell your Zero motorcycle,
please visit the Zero Motorcycles website and access
the Owner Resources section to fill out the on-line
transfer of ownership and warranty form. This must
be performed to allow Zero Motorcycles the ability to
contact the new owner in the unlikely event of a safety
related issue. Use the URL address below or feel
free to contact the Zero Motorcycles Customer Service
department for assistance.
(888) 786-9376
8am to 5pm Pacific Time
[email protected]
24 hours
For updates and additional information about your
motorcycle, visit the Owner Resources section of Zero
Motorcycles’ website at: