Vehicle Range
The range of an electric vehicle is defined as the
distance the vehicle will travel on a single full charge
of the power pack. Just like EPA mileage estimates
on an automobile, “your mileage may vary.” Your
range results are a direct reflection of your riding
habits and conditions. The more conservatively you
ride, the better range you can expect from your Zero
Some of the factors which affect range include speed,
acceleration, number of starts and stops, terrain, as
well as changes in elevation. The combination of
these factors, as you travel from one point to another,
defines your trip profile. In addition, tire pressure and
payload are important considerations.
We suggest that you ride conservatively when you first
get your Zero motorcycle and get to know your
motorcycle. Once you become familiar with the range
versus performance of your motorcycle, then you can
adjust your riding characteristics if you so desire.
Public Charging Stations
There are more public charging stations coming
on-line every day and there may be some in your
area. You can charge from a public charging station
with the optional J1772 Zero motorcycle accessory.
These stations are often available at a variety of
locations including shopping centers, city parking lots,
airports, hotels, government offices, and other
businesses. We recommend that you search the
internet for locations in your area. For example,
search for “charging stations.”
Optimizing Your Range By Adapting
Your Riding Style
Apply the throttle slowly and try to match the
motorcycle’s acceleration with your throttle
Hard acceleration will decrease your range.
Coasting whenever possible makes a significant
difference; the motorcycle will coast for a long
distance (take advantage of this).