Power Pack Full (High Pack Voltage)
If the BMS detects that the power pack is already full,
it will disable further charging to prevent damage to
the power pack.
This is not an error-condition; it is the result of a
successful charging cycle. There is no self-test error
beep which reports this condition.
During an ordinary charging cycle, when the cells
are balanced, the charger (not the BMS) will sense
that the power pack is full and terminate the charging
cycle with a “green light.” The BMS does have a
redundant back-up mechanism to prevent
overcharging of the power pack. If the charger fails
to terminate a charging cycle when the power
pack is full, the BMS will terminate charging itself to
prevent damage.
Instrument Panel
System Warning Indicator
If a fault has been detected, count the number of
times the red LED flashes. See the tables on pages
6-9 and 6-10 for possible causes and solutions to
the issue.