5587001-YSG-A-520 | Start-Up & Operation Guide
Output Signals
Furnx SGH Low Fire Test State
The state output of the furnace x staged gas low fire check
Furnx SGH High Fire Test State
The state output of the furnace x staged gas high fire check
GH Test State
The state output of the modulating gas heating check
Furnx GH Low Fire Test State
The state output of the furnace x low fire check
Furnx GH High Fire Test State
The state output of the furnace x high fire check
Mod Gas Cmd
The modulating heating output % command
Htg x Cmd
Heating stage x command
Mod Comp Pct Cmd
The modulating compressor output percent command
Clg 1 Cmd
The command for the first compressor. If the first compressor is modulating then the
modulation percentage should also be overridden by the override logic outside of this module
Clg 2 Cmd
The command for the second compressor
Clg 3 Cmd
The command for the third compressor
Clg 4 Cmd
The command for the fourth compressor
Cooling State
The current state of the start-up wizard cooling
Oil Check Presence
This signal is used to set the presence indication on the oil check point. The oil check
point should only be shown during an oil check
Charge Check Presence
This signal is used to set the presence indication on the charge check point. The charge
check point should only be shown during a charge check
Oil Countdown Timer
This timer is displayed on the unit controller in the start-up wizard section. It counts down
from 600 seconds to indicate the stabilize time
Condenser Fan Cmd
This is the condenser fan output for one condenser fan. It stays on as long as a
compressor is on
Condenser Fan Speed
This is the condenser fan speed output that is 100% when a condenser fan is operating
LL Tempx Result
This output is the liquid line temperature saved at the time of the circuit charge check
Suction Tempx Result
This output is the suction line temperature saved at the time of the circuit charge check
LL Presx Result
This output is the liquid line pressure saved at the time of the circuit charge check
Suc Presx Result
This output is the suction line pressure saved at the time of the circuit charge check
Subcool x
This output is the liquid line sub-cooling saved at the time of the circuit charge check
Superheat x
This output is the suction superheat saved at the time of the circuit charge check
SF Lx Amps Result
These three outputs are the saved results for the amperage on each leg of the supply fan
Start-Up Wizard Sequence
The start-up wizard is only run when user selection en-
ables it. The enable input on this wizard allows for this,
which ensures multiple safety operations to remain ac-
The start-up wizard provides the following start-up tests:
• Dampers
• Energy recovery wheel (ERW)
• Supply fan (automatically runs if heating or cool-
ing is enabled)
• Cooling
• Heating
Table 14: Start-Up Wizard Signals (Continued)
To start the start-up wizard, set the enable/disable op-
tion to enable. Enter the supply line voltage:
• Phase A: Input V
• Phase B: Input V
• Phase C: Input V
Select yes to continue.
Calculate imbalance by finding the difference between
the highest and lowest voltage and dividing it by 460.
Any imbalance of more than 2% is considered a fail-
ure. Voltages, voltage imbalance, and test status are