IM DLM3054-01EN
Time Condition (Time Qualification)
Set what kind of relationship must be established between the trigger source’s rising or falling times and the
specified reference times (Time1 and Time2) for the instrument to trigger.
More than
When the rise time or fall time is longer than the specified reference time
Less than
When the rise time or fall time is shorter than the specified reference time
When the rise time or fall time is longer than reference time Time1 and shorter than
reference time Time2.
When the rise time or fall time is shorter than reference time Time1 or longer than
reference time Time2.
Reference Times (Time or Time1 and Time2)
The selectable range for Time or Time1 and Time2 varies depending on the time condition.
More than
Time: 2 ns to 10 s
Less than
Time: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Resolution: 2 ns
Reference Range (Upper Level/Lower Level)
Set the upper and lower levels of the reference range.
HF Rejection (HF Rejection)
Set this item for the trigger source.
This item is the same as those of the edge trigger.
Trigger Position (POSITION), Trigger Delay (DELAY), Trigger Hold-Off (Holdoff)
These items are the same as those of the edge trigger.
• The instrument may not trigger properly if the spacing between signals or the time detection width is less
than 1 ns.
• Under standard operating conditions, the time accuracy immediately after calibration is ±(0.002% of setting
+ 450 ps).
4 Triggering