IM DLM3054-01EN
Analyzing and Searching CAN FD Bus Signals (Option)
Analysis Source Frame
The following frames can be analyzed.
Remote, data, error, and overload frames
For the CAN FD frame format, see “
” in chapter 4, “Triggering.”
Bus Setup (Setup)
Source (Source)
This item is the same as that of the CAN bus.
Bit Rate (Bit Rate)
Select the CAN FD bus signal’s arbitration phase data transfer rate from one of the settings below.
250 kbps, 500 kbps, 1 Mbps, User Define
If you select User Define, set the transfer rate in the range of 20 kbps to 1 Mbps in 0.1-kbps steps.
Sample Point (Sample Point)
Set the reference that will be used to determine the bus level (recessive or dominant) of the CAN FD bus signal’s
arbitration phase in the range of 18.8 to 90.6% in 0.1% steps.
Data Bit Rate (Data BitRate)
Select the CAN FD bus signal’s data phase data transfer rate from one of the settings below.
500 kbps, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps, 4 Mbps, 5 Mbps, 8 Mbps, User Define
If you select User Define, set the transfer rate in the range of 250 kbps to 10 Mbps in 0.1-kbps steps.
The data bit rate can be set as high as 16 times the arbitration phase bit rate.
Sample Point of the Data Phase (Sample Point)
Set the reference that will be used to determine the bus level (recessive or dominant) of the CAN FD bus signal’s
data phase in the range of 18.8 to 90.6% in 0.1% steps.
If the data bit rate exceeds 16 times the bit rate, the rates are automatically adjusted according to the last set
value so that the relationship “data bit rate ≤ bit × 16” is maintained.
Recessive Level (Recessive)
This item is the same as that of the CAN bus.
CAN FD Standard (FD Standard)
Select the compliant standard for the CAN FD bus signal to be applied.
ISO: ISO 11898-1: Analyzed as a 2015-compliant CAN FD bus signal.
non-ISO:ISO 11898-1: Analyzed as a CAN FD bus signal compliant to a standard before 2015.
Level (Level) and Hysteresis (Hys)
These items are the same as those of the edge search.
15 Analyzing and Searching Serial Bus Signals