IM DLM3054-01EN
Cycle Mode (Cycle Mode)
The time range for automated measurement is set to the period, not the time range specified by T Range1 and T
Range2. You can set how the instrument determines the time range to one of the settings below.
1 Cycle: Sets the time range to the first period after T Range1
N Cycle: Sets the time range to the left end of the first period that is between T Range1 and T Range2 to the
right end of the Nth period
OFF: Sets the time range to the duration between T Range1 and T Range2 (the same as normal automated
* The method of determining the period is the same as the method for determining the Period measurement
In cycle mode, the following items can be measured.
Max: Maximum voltage [V]
Min: Minimum voltage [V]
P-P: P-P value (Max − Min) [V]
High: High voltage [V]
Low: Low voltage [V]
Amplitude: Amplitude (High – Low) [V]
Rms: Rms voltage [V] (1/ (√n))(Σ(xN
Mean: Mean voltage [V] (1/n) ΣxN
Sdev: Standard deviation [V] ((ΣxN
− (ΣxN)
: Area under the positive parts [Vs]
IntegTY: Area under the positive parts − area under the negative parts [Vs]
+Over: Overshoot [%] (Max − High)/(High − Low)×100
−Over: Undershoot [%] (Low − Min)/(High − Low)×100
T Range1
T Range2
1 Cycle
N Cycle
Time range for each cycle mode
(1) High
(2) Distal
(3) Mesial
(4) Proximal
(5) Low
Measurement Location Indicator (Indicator)
Indicates the measured location of a specified item using cursors. The measurement locations of the
following items can be indicated.
Max, Min, P-P, High, Low, Amplitude, Rms, Mean, Sdev, +Over, −Over, V1, V2, , IntegTY
Avg Freq, Avg Period, Burst, Freq, Period, +Width, −Width,
Duty, Rise, Fall, Delay
12 Automated Measurement of Waveform Parameters