IM DLM3054-01EN
Interval Trigger [ENHANCED]
The instrument triggers when the relationship between the trigger source’s period (i.e., the interval between
edges) and the specified reference times meets the selected time condition. When the time condition is timeout,
the instrument triggers when a timeout occurs.
Source: CH1 , Time Qualification: More than (t > Time)
CH1 Level
Trigger Source (Source)
Select the trigger source from the following: CH1 to CH4 or LOGIC. (The selectable settings vary depending on
the model.) If you set the trigger source to LOGIC, set the source bit.
Trigger Slope (Slope)
For the signal assigned to be the trigger source, select which trigger slope to compare with the reference time.
When the trigger source changes from a level below the trigger level to a level above the trigger
level (rising)
When the trigger source changes from a level above the trigger level to a level below the trigger
level (falling)
Time Condition (Time Qualification)
Set what kind of relationship must be established between the trigger source’s period and the specified reference
times (Time, Time1, and Time2) for the instrument to trigger.
More than
The period must be longer than the specified reference time (Time).
Less than
The period must be shorter than the specified reference time (Time).
The period must be longer than reference time Time1 and shorter than reference time Time2.
The period must be shorter than reference time Time1 or longer than reference time Time2.
The period must be longer than the reference time specified (Time).
Reference Times (Time or Time1 and Time2)
The selectable range for Time or Time1 and Time2 varies depending on the time condition.
More than
Time: 2 ns to 10 s
Less than
Time: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 4 ns to 10 s
Resolution: 2 ns
Level (Level), HF Rejection (HF Rejection), Noise Rejection (Noise Rejection)
Set these items for each trigger source.
These items are the same as those of the edge trigger.
Trigger Position (POSITION), Trigger Delay (DELAY), Trigger Hold-Off (Holdoff)
These items are the same as those of the edge trigger.
4 Triggering