IM DLM3054-01EN
Loading Setup Data (Setup)
You can load setup data. There are two methods you can use to load setup data. One method is to load setup
data that has been saved to a file. The other method is to load setup data that is saved in the internal memory.
Viewing the Contents of Setup Data (File Property)
You can view information about the setup data that has been saved to the internal storage or to a USB storage
Loading Setup Data That Has Been Saved to a File (Load Setup File)
You can load a .set file that contains setup data that you have saved.
Loading Setup Data That Has Been Save to an Internal Memory Location (#1 to #3)
You can load setup data that has been saved to internal memory locations #1 to #3.
Detailed Information (Detail)
You can view the date and time when setup data was saved to internal memory areas #1 to #3 and the
comments attached to the data.
You can change comments, or enable or disable file protection.
Loading Other Types of Data (Others)
You can load waveform zones, polygonal zones, snapshot waveforms, and serial bus signal symbols.
Waveform and Polygonal Zones (Wave-Zone/Polygon-Zone)
You can load waveform zones that you created on the instrument into internal storage locations Zone1 to Zone4.
You can load zones that have been saved to .zwf files using this instrument and polygonal zones that have been
saved to .msk files using the dedicated software application.
These zones are used for GO/NO-GO determination and other purposes.
Snapshot Waveforms (Snap)
You can load .snp files that contain snapshot waveforms that you have saved.
The snapshot waveforms that you load are displayed in white on the screen.
Symbol Data (Symbol)
Character strings based on definitions in a CANdb file can be used to express bit patterns. You can load physical
value/symbol definition files (.sbl extension) that you have edited using the Symbol Editor tool.
The bit patterns can be used as CAN bus signal trigger conditions or as analysis or search conditions.
• Files with .sbl Extensions
CANdb files (.dbc extension) must be converted into physical value/symbol definition files (.sbl extension)
using the free YOKOGAWA conversion software “Symbol Editor” before they can be loaded and used as
trigger conditions or as analysis or search conditions on the instrument.
You can obtain the free software from the YOKOGAWA website (http://www.yokogawa.com/ymi/).
CANdb files (.dbc) are signal definition database files created using the CANdb or CANdb++ software
produced by Vector Informatik.
20 Saving and Loading Data