IM DLM3054-01EN
• Contents of Emails That the Instrument Sends (Go/Nogo AND, Go/Nogo OR)
<Subject>: The subject attached to the email. For example: “GoNogo Triggered Report (Nth Nogo result)”
[Comment]: Comment
[Setup Information]: Reference conditions (contents of condition numbers 1 to 4), Logic (AND/OR), Stop
Nogo/Action Count ((the number of no-go results/the number of actions)
[Trigger Date and Time]: The time of trigger occurrence
[Nogo/Exec Count]: The number Nogo results/the number of judgments performed
[Nogo Factor]: Information, including measured values, about the conditions that returned no-go results*
* Measured values are only sent for GO/NO-GO determination based on waveform parameters.
[Comment] Test
[Setup Information]
Select1: Rect(C1,Main) (Left:-3.0000E+00,Right:-2.5000E+00,Upper: 500.00E-03,Lower:-
Select2: Wave(C1,Main) (Range1:-5.0000E+00,Range2: 5.0000E+00,Condition:In)
Select3: Polygon(C1,Main) (Condition:In)
Select4: Measure(Max(C1)) (Upper: 0.0000E+00,Lower: 0.0000E+00,Condition:In)
Logic: OR
Stop Nogo/Action Count: 1/Inf
[Trigger Date and Time]
2018/06/01 21:18:51
[Nogo/Exec Count]
[Nogo Factor]
Number of Actions (Action Count/Nogo Count)
When the number of waveform acquisitions reaches the specified action count or when the number of no-go
results reaches the specified Nogo Count, the instrument stops waveform acquisition.
Action Count
Set the number of waveform acquisitions.
1 to 1000000: The instrument stops the action when it acquires the specified number of waveforms.
Infinite (0): The instrument repeats the action until waveform acquisition is stopped using the Abort soft key or
the RUN/STOP key.
Nogo Count
Set the number of no-go results.
• 1 to 1000: When the specified number of no-go results is reached, the instrument stops GO/NO-GO
• Infinite (0): The instrument repeats GO/NO-GO determination until waveform acquisition is stopped using the
Abort soft key or the RUN/STOP key.
5 Executing Actions