IM DLM3054-01EN
Runt Trigger [ENHANCED]
Runt pulses* are used to trigger the instrument. The instrument also triggers when the relationship between the
runt pulse width and the specified reference times meets the selected time condition.
* A signal that passes through the first threshold level but returns to the original level without passing the other
threshold level.
Trigger source
(when set to )
(when set to )
Upper Level
Lower Level
Source: CH1, Polarity:
Time Qualification: Less than (t < Time)
Trigger Source (Source)
Select the trigger source from the following: CH1 to CH4. (The selectable settings vary depending on the model.)
Configure the polarity, HF rejection, noise rejection, and trigger level settings for the selected trigger source.
Polarity (Polarity)
Select which trigger source polarity will cause the comparison of the pulse width with the reference times. The
trigger source polarity is based on the trigger level.
When the trigger source is Pos (positive polarity)
When the trigger source is Neg (negative polarity)
When the trigger source is Pos (positive polarity) or Neg (negative polarity)
Time Condition (Time Qualification)
Set what kind of relationship must be established between the trigger source’s pulse width and the specified
reference times (Time, Time1, and Time2) for the instrument to trigger.
No reference time
More than
When the pulse width is longer than the specified reference time (Time)
Less than
When the pulse width is shorter than the specified reference time (Time)
When the pulse width is longer than Time1 but shorter than Time2
When the pulse width is shorter than Time1 or longer than Time2
Reference Times (Time or Time1 and Time2)
The selectable range for Time or Time1 and Time2 varies depending on the time condition.
More than
Time: 2 ns to 10 s
Less than
Time: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Time1: 2 ns to [10 s - 2 ns], Time2: 4 ns to 10 s
Resolution: 2 ns
4 Triggering