11.2 Alarm Displays
Inspection, Maintenance, and
Converter AC
(The AC voltage inside
the power regeneration
converter is low.)
• For 200-VAC power regenera-
tion converter:
The power supply was in the
range between 50 V to 125 V.
• For 400-VAC power regenera-
tion converter:
The power supply was in the
range between 100 V to 250 V.
Measure the power supply voltage.
Set AC power supply voltage within
the specified range.
Power regeneration converter
If an alarm occurs after turning the
correct power ON, the power regen-
eration converter may be faulty.
Replace the power regeneration
Power Failure While
Motor Running
(The AC power supply
was cut off while the
motor was running.)
A power failure occurred.
Turn the power supply OFF and
then ON again.
The AC power supply was dis-
connected by the main circuit
Check the main circuit contactor
and NFB.
Turn OFF the AC power supply and
then turn it ON again.
The AC voltage is unstable dur-
ing the operation.
• For 200-VAC power regenera-
tion converter:
The power supply was 50 V
or less.
• For 400-VAC power regenera-
tion converter:
The power supply was 100 V
or less.
Measure the power supply voltage.
Set AC power supply voltage within
the specified range.
Power regeneration converter
If an alarm occurs after turning the
correct power ON, the power regen-
eration converter may be faulty.
Replace the power regeneration
Converter Initial
Charging Error
(Charging of the main
circuit capacitor did not
finish within the speci-
fied period of time.)
The main circuit cable is either
incorrectly wired or has a contact
Make sure the wiring is correct.
Correct the wiring.
The wiring of the main circuit DC
bus is incorrect.
Check the wiring.
Correct the wiring of the main cir-
cuit DC bus.
An error occurred in the main cir-
cuit of the SERVOPACK con-
nected to the converter.
Separate the main circuit DC bus of
Separate the SERVOPACK and
then turn ON the power supply
again. If an alarm does not occur,
the SERVOPACK may be faulty.
Replace the SERVOPACK.
Converter rapid discharge circuit
Turn the power supply OFF and
then ON again. If the alarm still
occurs, the power regeneration con-
verter may be faulty. Replace the
power regeneration converter.
The AC-DC conversion circuit
inside the power regeneration
converter has failed.
Turn the power supply OFF and
then ON again. If the alarm still
occurs, the power regeneration con-
verter may be faulty. Replace the
power regeneration converter.
Main Circuit Capacitor
(The capacitor of the
main circuit has deterio-
rated or is faulty.)
Main circuit capacitor failure
Turn the power supply OFF and
then ON again. If the alarm still
occurs, the power regeneration con-
verter may be faulty. Replace the
power regeneration converter.
An error occurred in the main cir-
cuit detection circuit.
Alarm Name
Investigative Actions
Corrective Actions