5. Operation
– WTS-300-E - V4.1 - 20.01.2022
Page 25
For the parameterization and the commissioning of the WTS-300 use the free Soft-
ware “Welba KONSOFT”.
- Fast and comfortable parameterization of the WTS-300.
- Clear presentation of the parameter-settings of your tank.
- Fast transfer of an existing configuration onto identical or similar tanks.
Use the „monitoring function“ of the Software when commissioning the WTS-
300. Here all occurrences can be graphically displayed and recorded.
- Store your configurations so that in case of a spare parts delivery the parame-
terization can be loaded onto the new device. Only the actual value correction
has to be entered newly
In case of the initial installation the display shows after the application of the mains
- 4 circulating bars,
- then briefly the Firmware-version
- then the time
If only 4 blinking horizontal bars are displayed after the application of the mains volt-
age, the time has to be reset. See section 5.4
For data evaluation, the Software Konsoft uses the entered date of the WTS-300. If
date and time are not entered correctly, the evaluation is also incorrect!
Now the control unit's parameters must be properly set in line with the features of
your system.
Incorrectly set parameters can lead to serious malfunctions and dam-
age to the milk-cooling tank.
When setting the control unit parameters, please bear in mind the consequences of
malfunctions. For example, a continuously operating compressor can result in dam-
age to the system. Protect yourself and your system by additional safeguards.
The control unit offers more application functions than the number of relays and dig-
ital inputs available on the printed circuit board. When starting configuration please
give careful consideration to how you want to allocate all the various components to
the relays and digital inputs.