Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Low-Current STM
MultiMode SPM Instruction Manual
Rev. B
3. Good grounding is essential for low-noise performance. A good contact between the SPM
base and the metallic cover (can) included with the low current head is needed to reduce the
electrical noise level. A simple grounding kit is included with the converter which includes a
length of wire and connecting lugs. Make certain that the can cover and SPM base are
electrically connected by the wire and that the can cover is in place. The can cover acts as a
Faraday shield.
4. Please note that cables connecting the SPM base, the Picoamp Boost Box and the
NanoScope controller should not be lengthened.
9.5.4 Installation
The low-current STM converter is designed to be installed on any of the following Veeco devices:
MultiMode SPM (standard)
MultiMode SPM (with Extender base
The dedicated AFM
Generally, installation consists only of cable connections.
Always disconnect the Picoamp Boost Box and Low-current STM
Converter head before performing other types of imaging.