About Active Driver Feedback and advice
Your TomTom PRO helps you to improve your driving behavior. The symbols for Active Driver
Feedback and advice in the WEBFLEET panel and the route bar in the map and guidance views
show real-time advice and alerts to remind you to drive in a safer and more eco-friendly way.
Driving performance indicators in the WEBFLEET panel
You require a TomTom LINK 105/ecoPLUS and LINK 4xx/5xx installed in your vehicle.
In the Settings select
Show indicator for actual driving style
. In the map or guidance view in the
WEBFLEET panel, the symbols below will be shown to give you immediate feedback on how
eco-friendly and safely you are currently driving.
The following symbols represent the average performance for your current and last trip
respectively across all considered key performance indicators.
Very poor
No information available - this icon is shown when there is no TomTom
LINK 105/ecoPLUS connected.
Tap these buttons to show an
overview of your driving performance
mance indicator for the current and last trip respectively.
Fuel consumption indicators in the WEBFLEET panel
You require a TomTom LINK 105/ecoPLUS and LINK 4xx/5xx installed in your vehicle.
In the Settings menu select Appearance and then select
Show indicator for current fuel
in the WEBFLEET panel to give you immediate feedback on how fuel efficient you
are driving with the help of the following icons.