show information about how eco-friendly you are currently driving
last trip, tap the Trip Results button.
To delete the statistical information tap the Reset button.
Performance Trends
In the Performance Trends menu you can see statistics on the development of your individual
driving style. To do so, you have to
In the Performance Trends menu you can select to see statistics across all key performance
indicators or on the individual key performance indicators for a selected period. Below the
graphical statistic you can find a summary of the analysis of your performance for the selected key
performance indicator.
You can choose between the following:
My Profile - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a
selected period showing how you have improved on all relevant key
performance indicators.
Speeding - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a selected
period on how much you have exceeded speed limits.
Driving Events - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a
selected period on how often you have braked too hard and cornered
too fast.
Idling - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a selected
period on how long you have been standing still with the engine running.
Fuel Consumption - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a
selected period on how much fuel you have used over time.
Constant Speed - Tap this button to see a graph and the statistics for a
selected period on how you have performed on maintaining a constant
speed while driving.