Specify the number of bytes to be written in the Length box. If the entire file is to be loaded,
then a checkmark may be placed in the File Length box instead of giving the number of bytes.
To initiate the writing process, click on the Write a File to Memory button.
When the Control Panel responds with the standard Windows dialog box asking for the source
file, specify the desired file in the usual manner.
The Control Panel also supports loading files with a .hex extension. Files with a .hex extension are
ASCII text files that specify memory values using ASCII characters to represent hexadecimal
values. For example, a file containing the line
defines eight 8-bit values: 01, 23, 45, 67, 89, AB, CD, EF. These values will be loaded
consecutively into the memory.
The Sequential Read function is used to read the contents of the LPDDR2 and fill them into a file as
Specify the starting address in the Address box.
Specify the number of bytes to be copied into the file in the Length box. If the entire contents
of the LPDDR2 are to be copied (which involves all 512 Mbytes), then place a checkmark in
the Entire Memory box.
Press Load Memory Content to a File button.
When the Control Panel responds with the standard Windows dialog box asking for the
destination file, specify the desired file in the usual manner.
Users can use the similar way to access the SRAM.