happens, FMB630 switches to a defined profile. Using profile switching you can create smart
applications. SW2X actions can be performed only if “Profile change on event” is enabled in
Global parameters. Pictures below illustrate profile switching depending on digital events:
1) H:0 L:0 Event: on exit
2) H:1 L:1 Event: on entrance
3) H:1 L:1 Event:on exit
4) H:0 L:0 Event: on entrance
Profile Y
Profile X
Figure 46 Digital input event criteria
Example #1
Configuration of Profile1 to switch to Profile2 on DIN1 value change from 0 to 1:
Figure 47 Switch to profile on event (1)
Example #2
Configuration of Profile2 to switch to Profile1 on DIN1 value change from 1 to 0:
Figure 48 Switch to profile on event (2)