Shape – can be rectangular or circle
Priority – priority of Geofence event: low, high or panic, SW21, SW22, SW23, SW24.
These levels define priority of event information sending to server. See I/O element
description for more details about priorities.
Generate event (On entrance, On exit, On both) – choose when record will be
generated (or no event);
X1 –
geofence zone
left bottom corner X coordinate;
Y1 – geofence zone
left bottom corner Y coordinate;
X2 or R – geofence zone upper right corner X coordinate (radius of circle when
Circular zone used);
Y2 – geofence zone upper right corner Y coordinate;
AutoGeofence – the last known position after movement = off. If your car is being taken
away – you can be notified. The shape and size of the geofence zones are configurable. There is a
possibility to state whether entering in or out of the geofence triggers an asynchronous message.
Figure 40 FMB630 Features->Geofencing Configuration (2)
Auto Geofencing option can be configured by following parameters (Figure 40):
Activation TMO – Time period before Geofence is activated after vehicle stops.
Deactivate By:
Ignition – if ignition becomes high it will drop AutoGeofenze Zone
iButton – if iButton is attached it will drop AutoGeofence Zone
Edit iButton List – if list is not empty, attached iButton is tested against iButton list, if
match is found AutoGeofence zone is dropped.
Priority – Priority of generated event, which will be applied to saved record.
Generate Event:
Enter Event – Event generation on Geofence entrance.