Connecting Antennas
Gently connect antennas to device by hands, without using additional equipment like
pliers. The tightening torque for fixing the connector must be up to 0.5 – 0.7 Nm (‘hand-
When placing antennas avoid easily reached places.
Avoid GNSS antenna placement under metal surfaces.
Avoid placing FMB630 device near car radio, speakers or alarm systems.
GNSS antenna must be placed so its state is as horizontal as possible (if antenna is leant
more than 30 degrees, it is considered incorrect mounting).
GNSS antenna cable cannot be bent more than 80 degrees.
GNSS antenna must be placed sticker facing down
Figure 134
It is recommended to place GNSS antenna behind dashboard as close to the window as
possible. A good example of GNSS antenna placement is displayed in a picture below (area
colored green).
Figure 135: Correct placement of FMB630
Module Installation
Module should not be seen or easily reached.
Module should be firmly fixed to the surface or cables.
Module cannot be fixed to heat emitting or moving parts.
SIM card should be inserted in the module while the connector is plugged off (while
module has no power).